brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. The Mizbe'ach was 58 Tefachim high. The Sovev was 23 Tefachim from the top of the Mizbe'ach. 2. There were two measuring sticks of an Amah in the Lishkas Shushan ha'Birah in the Beis ha'Mikdash. One was larger than the Amah of Moshe Rabeinu by half an Etzba, and the other was an Etzba larger than the Amah of Moshe Rabeinu. 3. In the times of Mashi'ach, a spring will flow forth from the Kodshei ha'Kodashim. Fruit trees will grow alongside it. The fruit will be edible and the leaves will have curative powers. 4. The Lechem ha'Panim must be arranged on the Shulchan in two piles of six breads each. 5. If the breads of the Lechem ha'Panim are arranged in two piles of seven breads each, it is valid, according to Rebbi, because we look at the upper breads as if they do not exist. 6. The Aron was placed in the middle of the Kodesh ha'Kodashim, from north to south, opposite the entrance. The poles protruded toward the entrance. 7. Shlomo ha'Melech made ten Shulchanos: five to the right of the Shulchan of Moshe Rabeinu, and five to the left. 8. Shlomo also made ten Menoros: five to the right of the Menorah of Moshe Rabeinu, and five to the left. 9. The Shulchanos that Shlomo made were more than twenty Amos inside the Heichal. 10. The Menorah and Shulchan were situated east to west, according to Rebbi. Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon maintains that they were situated north to south.
1. The Mizbe'ach was ten Amos high. A standard Amah is six Tefachim, which is sixty Tefachim, but the Amah from the floor until the Yesod was only five Tefachim, and the Amah of the Keranos was also only five Tefachim. 2. It was necessary to have larger measuring sticks than the standard Amah, because the craftsmen who worked for the Beis ha'Mikdash needed to provide Hekdesh with a little more than an Amah of work for every Amah that they agreed to build for Hekdesh, in order to ensure that they do not build less than they agreed upon, which would result in a transgression of Me'ilah with Hekdesh. The craftsmen who built with silver and gold provided a half of an Etzba extra for every Amah, while other craftsmen provided an extra Etzba. 3. Chizkiyah says that the leaves will heal the mute. Bar Kapara says that the leaves will heal the infertile. 4. If the breads of the Lechem ha'Panim are set up with one pile of four and one pile of eight, it is Pasul. 5. The Levonah may be placed on top of the upper breads, even though it is a Chatzitzah between the Levonah and the lower breads, because Rebbi maintains that the Levonah may be placed next to the breads and not necessarily on top of the breads. 6. The poles of the Aron were along the width of the Aron and protruded into the Paroches which was hung on the entrance of the Kodesh ha'Kodashim. 7. All of the Shulchanos were in the north of the Azarah. 8. All of the Menoros were in the south of the Azarah. 9. The Heichal was forty Amos long and the Kodesh ha'Kodashim was another twenty Amos. The Shulchanos were within the twenty Amos in the Heichal closest to the Kodesh ha'Kodashim. 10. Everyone agrees that the Aron was situated north to south.
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