brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. Rebbi maintains that if the butchers in the city are Jewish, one is permitted to buy meat from a non-Jewish shop. 2. Rav maintains that if a piece of meat was left unsupervised, it is forbidden. 3. If nine stores in the city sell Kosher meat and one sells non-Kosher meat, and one is not sure from which store he bought his meat, the meat may not be eaten. 4. If a piece of meat was found in a city where most of the shops sell Kosher meat, it is permitted. 5. If one finds cooked meat in a city where most of the people who eat meat are Jewish, it may be eaten, but otherwise it is forbidden. 6. If whole limbs of an animal are found outside the Azarah, they are regarded as being from a Neveilah. 7. If cut pieces of meat are found outside the Azarah, they are not considered to be from a Neveilah, according to Rav. Levi maintains that they may be eaten. 8. If a piece of meat is tied up and sealed, or it was cut in a unique shape, it is permitted, even if it was left unsupervised. 9. Any omen that is unlike the omen of Eliezer the servant of Avraham, or Yonasan ben Shaul, is not an omen. 10. If one who builds a house, bears a child, or marries succeeds in his first deal, it is considered a good sign, although he should not rely on it completely. 11. If meat is strung on a cord and left unsupervised, it may be eaten. 12. If one left meat unsupervised, and now he recognizes the meat as his, it may be eaten.
1. We are not concerned for the possibility of a Tereifah, because a Yisrael would not have sold a Tereifah to the Nochri in order to sell it in a shop. 2. We are concerned that the Kosher meat was exchanged with non-Kosher meat. Even in a place where all the butchers are Yisraelim, there is a concern that a raven switched it for a non-Kosher piece of meat that it brought from a distant place. 3. Although most of the stores are Kosher, since he bought the meat in the place where it is sold, it is regarded as "Kavu'a." Every case of "Kavu'a" is treated like a fifty-fifty Safek and is forbidden. 4. Since the majority of the shops are Kosher, the piece of meat is permitted. However, it is permitted only if it was found in the hands of a Nochri, because otherwise it is meat that was left unsupervised, which is forbidden. 5. However, it may be eaten only if the finder saw a person drop it from a distance and he does not know if that person is Jewish. Otherwise, it is meat that was left unsupervised, which is forbidden. 6. Since they were thrown away without being cut up, we may assume that they are from a Neveilah. 7. According to Rav, it is a Safek, and therefore they may not be eaten, but there is no Chiyuv Malkus for eating them. 8. There is no concern that the meat was exchanged, since the meat can be identified. 9. The Torah's prohibition against using an omen applies only if one acts on the basis of the omen, like Eliezer and Shaul. 10. It is a sign that he will continue to have success. 11. The cord is an identifying mark, and therefore we are not concerned that the meat was exchanged. 12. Even if the meat does not have an identifying mark, it is permitted if he recognizes it.
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