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BAVA BASRA 80 (10 Elul 5784) - This Daf has been dedicated in memory of Sheina Basha (daughter of Yakov and Dora) Zuckerman, who passed away on 10 Elul, by her children and sons in law.


1. The Mishnah discusses the sale of the future offspring of a pigeon coop in the coming year.
2. The Mishnah similarly discusses the sales of future items where some of these items will be retained by the seller.
3. Rav Kahana: Honey is always considered a food regarding the laws of Tum'ah and Taharah, even when it is in the beehive.
4. The Gemara explains why a righteous person is compared to both a date tree and a cedar tree.
5. There are ten types of cedar trees.


1. Even though the seller said he was selling all future offspring for the next year, he does keep some of the newly-born pigeons in the beginning of the year. This is done so that the mother pigeons should not fly away when they see that all of their babies have been taken.
2. For example, a person who sells the honeycombs in his beehive does not intend to sell all of them. He needs at least two for his bees to use as food during the rainy season.
3. Abaye says that when the Beraisa says that honey is not food or drink, it refers only to the honey designated to be left as food for the bees. Honey that is intended for human consumption has the status of food.
4. The verse in Tehilim (92:13) compares a righteous person to a date tree and cedar tree in order to teach that a righteous person bears fruits (in Olam ha'Ba) like a date tree, and his trunk can regenerate (if he sins, he can repent) like a cedar tree.
5. The Gemara proceeds to name them. Seven of them appear in a verse in Yeshayah (41:19).

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