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& Revach l'Neshamah -

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1. If a Korban becomes mixed up with an animal with which an Aveirah was done, or with an animal of Kil'ayim, a Tereifah, or a Yotzei Dofen, both animals are put out to pasture. When they get a blemish, they are sold, and the money equal to the more valuable animal is used to purchase a Korban.
2. If a Korban becomes mixed with animals of Chulin, all of the animals are sold for the purpose of a Korban.
3. If a Korban becomes mixed with another Korban of the same type, each Korban is brought by the Kohen for its owner.
4. If a Korban becomes mixed with a Korban of a different type, such as an Olah with a Shelamim, both animals are put out to pasture. The owner of each animal must take money equal to the more valuable animal and redeem his respective Korban.
5. If a Korban, such as an Olah, becomes mixed with a Bechor or Ma'aser Behemah, both animals are put out to pasture. The owner of the Olah must take money equal to the more valuable animal and redeem the Olah. The remaining animals are eaten in accordance with the laws of Bechor or Ma'aser Behemah.
6. If a Chatas ha'Meisah becomes mixed with other Korbanos, even one in ten thousand, all of them are put to death.
7. If Yayin Nesech or Avodah Zarah becomes mixed with other items, the entire mixture is forbidden.


1. A Korban may not be brought if it became mixed with any of the following animals: one which killed a person, one which was Rove'a or Nirva in front of one witness or in front of the owner, one which was worshipped as an Avodah Zarah or designated to be offered to an Avodah Zarah, one which was used for an Esnan or exchanged for a dog. A Korban that was mixed with one of these animals must be redeemed after it develops a blemish.
2. If the Korban which became mixed was an Olah, all of the animals are sold for Olos. If it was a Chatas, all of the animals are sold for Chata'os.
3. The Kohen has in mind that the Korban he is bringing will atone for whichever one of the two owners is the owner of this particular Korban.
4. The two animals may not be brought as a Korban without redemption, since it is not known which animal is an Olah and which is a Shelamim, and the Avodah of each Korban is different.
5. A Bechor or Ma'aser Behemah which develops a Mum is eaten without redemption. It may not be slaughtered or sold in a public manner and the flesh may not be weighed in the normal manner.
6. The offspring of a Chatas, a Temuras Chatas, a Chatas whose owner fulfilled his obligation with a different Korban, and a Chatas which is now more than one year-old must be put to death. If it becomes mixed with other Korbanos, all of them must be put to death.
7. Even if only a minute amount of Yayin Nesech or Avodah Zarah is in the mixture, the entire mixture is forbidden.

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