brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. It is not necessary to salt blood or wine before it is placed on the Mizbe'ach. 2. According to the Rabanan if wood is brought as a Nedavah it does not require salt. Rebbi disagrees. 3. According to the Rabanan, Ketores requires salt. Rebbi Yishmael, the son of Rebbi Yochanan ben Berokah, disagrees. 4. If blood is cooked or salted, one who eats it is not Chayav. 5. If the limbs of an Olah are roasted prior to being placed on the Mizbe'ach, they do not emit a Rei'ach Nicho'ach. 6. If blood of Chulin or of a Korban which is brought in the Azarah congealed from the heat of the sun, one who eats it is Chayav. 7. If blood of a Chatas ha'Penimis congealed from the heat of the sun, one who eats it is not Chayav, according to Rav Chisda. Rava disagrees. 8. Rav Papa says that according to Rava, one is Chayav for eating blood of a donkey which congealed in the sun. 9. A stain of dried blood, ink, honey, or Chelev on clothing is a Chatzitzah. The stain must be removed before the garment is immersed in the Mikvah. 10. Melech Sedomis (sea salt) was used to salt Kodshim. A moderate amount of salt was put on both sides of the Kodshim. 11. The salting of Kodshim overrides Shabbos and Tum'ah. 12. There is a Chiyuv Me'ilah for benefiting from the salt on the limbs of an Olah. There is no Chiyuv Me'ilah for benefiting from salt on the ramp of the Mizbe'ach or on the top of the Mizbe'ach. 13. The Kohanim used salt of Hekdesh to salt the hides of the Korbanos and to salt their portion of the Korbanos. Salt of Kodshim was not used to salt Chulin. 14. When one brings a Minchah as a Nedavah, he must provide the Levonah at his own expense. The salt is provided by Hekdesh. 15. Ben Buchri attested that it is not a sin for a Kohen to contribute a Machtzis ha'Shekel. Rebbi Yochanan ben Zakai says that it is a sin if a Kohen does not contribute a Machtzis ha'Shekel.
1. The blood, which brings atonement, is the essential part of the Korban. Wine is brought as Nesachim and is part of the obligation of the Korban. Nevertheless, wine does not need to be salted, because only an item for which something else is obligated to be brought must be salted. 2. According to the Rabanan a Nedavah of wood is not considered a Korban. According to Rebbi, a Nedavah of wood is considered a Korban and requires salt, Hagashah, and Kemitzah. 3. According to Rebbi Yishmael, since Ketores is brought in the Heichal and not in the Azarah, it does not need salt. 4. One who eats cooked or salted blood of Chulin or of Kodshim is not Chayav, because the Torah states that one is Chayav only for eating blood which is fit to be placed on the Mizbe'ach. Cooked or salted blood is not fit to be placed on the Mizbe'ach. 5. Since they were roasted before being placed on the fire, they give off no aroma when burned. Nevertheless, the Olah is valid b'Di'eved. 6. Blood of a Korban which congealed from the heat of the sun is fit to be placed on the Mizbe'ach. Therefore, one who eats it is Chayav. 7. According to Rav Chisda, although blood could eventually revert back to its original liquid state, since the blood of a Chatas ha'Penimis may not be placed on the Mizbe'ach while it is congealed, even after it reverts back to a liquid state it is not fit to be placed on the Mizbe'ach. Therefore, one who eats it is not Chayav. However, according to Rava, since blood which was congealed by the sun is fit to be placed on the Mizbe'ach for all Korbanos except for a Chatas ha'Penimis, one is Chayav for eating congealed blood, even if it is the blood of a Chatas ha'Penimis. 8. The congealed blood of a Korban brought in the Azarah is fit to be placed on the Mizbe'ach, and one who eats it is Chayav. One who is also Chayav for eating the congealed blood of a donkey, even though the blood of a donkey certainly is not placed on the Mizbe'ach. 9. Rav Gidel says that blood is a Chatzitzah as soon as it begins to dry. 10. If Melech Sedomis is not available, any type of salt may be used. 11. Salting is considered an Avodah, and therefore it may be done even on Shabbos. If the majority of the Tzibur is Tamei, a Korban Tzibur may be salted b'Tum'ah. 12. If one benefits from the salt which fell on the ramp, or on the top of the Mizbe'ach, during the process of salting the Kodshim, he is not Chayav Me'ilah. 13. The Kohanim may eat Chulin and Terumah with their portion of the Korbanos in order to feel satiated with their portion of the Kodshim. Nevertheless, they may not use the salt of Hekdesh to flavor the Chulin or the Terumah. 14. Just as the wood for the Mizbe'ach was provided by the Tzibur, the salt was provided by the Tzibur as well. 15. According to Ben Buchri, since the Kohanim were not included in the count of Bnei Yisrael in the Midbar, they are not obligated to give a Machtzis ha'Shekel. Rebbi Yochanan ben Zakai disagrees.
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