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ME'ILAH 10 - Dedicated l'Zechut Refu'ah Shleimah for Elisheva Chaya bat Leah. Dedicated by Michael Steinberg, David Steinberg, and Ethan Steinberg.


1. Rava: One who benefits from Tamei meat of Kodshei Kodashim or from limbs of Kodshim Kalim that have already been placed on the altar is exempt from Me'ilah.

2. The Mishnah discusses the laws of Ketores and various Minchah offerings that are totally burned.
3. The Mishnah explains the difference between the parts of a Korban that permit the rest of the Korban, and the rest of the Korban.
4. The Gemara discusses the question of why, if the laws of Pigul do not apply to these parts of a Korban (see #3), do the laws of Tum'ah apply.
5. There are five Chata'os that must be put to death.


1. One might have thought that although the Kodshim are of no value to Hekdesh, the law of Me'ilah still applies since the Kohanim must burn the Tamei meat and ensure that the limbs of Kodshim Kalim are burned. Therefore, Rava needs to teach that the law of Me'ilah does not apply.

2. Some of the offerings discussed by the Mishnah are: the Kometz of all Minchah offerings, Ketores, and Minchas Kohanim. Me'ilah applies to all of these once they are consecrated. If they are placed into a Kli Shares, they can become unfit through contact with a Tevul Yom or Mechusar Kipurim. The laws of Nosar and Tum'ah apply, but Pigul does not apply.
3. The rest of the Korban may be subject to the laws of Nosar, Pigul, and Tum'ah once the parts of the Korban that permit them have been offered (such as the Kometz). Nosar and Tum'ah apply to the parts that permit the Korban (the Kometz) only once they are in the Kli Shares, but Pigul does not apply.
4. The verse states, "Say to them... that they consecrate." The words "that they consecrate" indicate that the laws of Tum'ah apply to all parts of a Korban, even to the parts that permit the rest of the Korban.
5. The first three -- the offspring of a Chatas, Temuras Chatas, and a Chatas whose owner has died -- are put to death regardless of whether the person attained atonement for his sin by bringing a different Chatas. The second two -- a Chatas that became too old and one that was lost and then found with a blemish -- are put to death only when the owner already atoned with a different Chatas.

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