Mishnah 1
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(a)The Mishnah now discusses the Din of Me'ilah and other Pesulim of Hekdesh birds. At which point does a Chatas ha'Of become ...

1. ... subject to Me'ilah?

2. ... becoming Pasul if touched by a T'vul-Yom or a Mechusar Kipurim?

(b)Why does the Tana use the term 'Lipasel' and not 'Litamei'?


(a)The Mishnah now discusses the Din of Me'ilah and other Pesulim of Hekdesh birds (See Tosfos Yom Tov). A Chatas ha'Of becomes ...

1. ... subject to Me'ilah - the moment the owner declares it Hekdesh (See Tosfos Yom Tov).

2. ... Pasul if touched by a T'vul-Yom or a Mechusar Kipurim - after the Melikah.

(b)The Tana uses the term 'Lipasel' and not 'Litamei' - because although the Chatas cannot be eaten, it is not Tamei to render Tamei what it touches.


(a)Which other ...

1. ... P'sul comes into effect after the Melikah?

2. ... three Pesulim come into effect after the Haza'ah (the sprinkling of the blood)?

(b)Why is it no longer subject to Me'ilah?


(a)The other ...

1. ... P'sul comes into effect after the Melikah - is that of Linah (if it remains off the MIzbe'ach until the following morning)

2. ... three Pesulim that come into effect after the blood has been sprinkled (the Haza'ah) are - Pigul, Nosar and Tamei.

(b)It is no longer subject to Me'ilah - because it was fit for the Kohanim to eat (See Tosfos Yom Tov).

Mishnah 2
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(a)At which point does an Olas ha'Of become subject to ...

1. ... Me'ilah?

2. ... becoming Pasul if touched by a T'vul-Yom or a Mechusar Kipurim?

(b)Which other ...

1. ... P'sul comes into effect after the Melikah?


(a)An Olas ha'Of too, becomes...

1. ... subject to Me'ilah - the moment the owner declares it Hekdesh.

2. ... Pasul if touched by a T'vul-Yom or a Mechusar Kipurim - after the Melikah.

(b)And the other ...

1. ... P'sul that comes into effect after the Melikah is - that of Linah (See Tosfos Yom Tov).


(a)By an Olas ha'Of Mitzuy ha'Dam replaces Haza'ah. What is Mitzuy ha'Dam?

(b)Which three Pesulim come into effect after the Mitzuy ha'Dam?

(c)At which point will Me'ilah no longer apply?

(d)From which Pasuk in Tzav do we learn this?


(a)By an Olas ha'Of, Mitzuy ha'Dam - squeezing the blood on to the Mizbe'ach, replaces Haza'ah.

(b)The three Pesulim that come into effect after the Mitzuy ha'Dam are - Pigul, Nosar and Tamei.

(c)Me'ilah will no longer apply - only when it has been burnt and its ashes taken down to the Beis ha'Deshen.

(d)We learn this from the Pasuk in Tzav - "ve'Heirim es ha'Deshen asher Tochal ha'Eish" (See also Tosfos Yom Tov).

Mishnah 3
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(a)The Mishnah declares Parim ha'Nisrafin and Se'irim ha'Nisrafin subject to Me'ilah from the moment they have been designated up until their Mitzvah has been concluded. Why is that?

(b)At which point do they become Pasul via a T'vul-Yom or a Mechusar Kipurim?

(c)Which other P'sul else takes effect at the same time?


(a)The Mishnah declares Parim ha'Nisrafin and Se'irim ha'Nisrafin subject to Me'ilah from the moment they have been designated up until their Mitzvah has been concluded - since no part of them (not even the skin) is permitted to Kohanim.

(b)They become Pasul via a T'vul-Yom or a Mechusar Kipurim - as soon as they have been Shechted.

(c)Linah too - takes effect at the same time.


(a)Which three things take effect from the time that their blood has been sprinkled towards the Beis-ha'Mikdash?

(b)What Machshavah must the Kohen have in order to create Pigul

(c)At which point will they leave the realm of Me'ilah?

(d)On what principle is this based?


(a)Pigul, Nosar and Tamei take effect - from the time that their blood has been sprinkled.

(b)In order to create Pigul, the Kohen must have in mind - to burn the Emurim outside their allotted time.

(c)They will leave the realm of Me'ilah - as soon as the Basar has been burned and turned into ashes ...

(d)... based on the principle - that anything whose Mitzvah has been concluded is no longer subject to Me'ilah.

Mishnah 4
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(a)The Olah is similar to Parim ha'Nisrafin and Se'irim ha'Nisrafin as regards Me'ilah taking effect, become subject to being Pasul via a T'vul-Yom and a Mechusar Kipurim and to Pigul, Nosar and Tamei. Which part of the Olah is not subject to Me'ilah?

(b)On which Pasuk in Vayikra is this based?

(c)Its final time for Me'ilah is similar to that of an Olas Ha'Of (which we learned earlier). Up to which point is an Olas ha'Of subject to Me'ilah?


(a)The Olah is similar to Parim ha'Nisrafin and Se'irim ha'Nisrafin as regards Me'ilah taking effect, become subject to being Pasul via a T'vul-Yom and a Mechusar Kipurim and to Pigul, Nosar and Tamei. The part of the Olah that is not subject to Me'ilah is - the skin (because it goes to the Kohanim) ...

(b)... as we learned in the Pasuk in Vayikra - "Or ha'Olah asher Hikriv, la'Kohen lo Yih'yeh".

(c)Its final time for Me'ilah is similar to that of an Olas Ha'Of (which we learned earlier) - up to the time that it is taken out to the Beis ha'Deshen (See Tosfos Yom Tov).

Mishnah 5
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(a)The Din of Chatas and Asham regarding Me'ilah taking effect, becoming Pasul via a T'vul-Yom and a Mechusar Kipurim and regarding Pigul, Nosar and Tamei is exactly the same as that of an Olah. What is the Din with regard to ...

1. ... the Basar?

2. ... the Emurim?

(b)Until when are the latter subject to Me'ilah?


(a)The Din of Chatas and Asham regarding Me'ilah taking effect, becoming Pasul via a T'vul-Yom and a Mechusar Kipurim and regarding Pigul, Nosar and Tamei is exactly the same as that of an Olah. The ...

1. ... Basar - is no longer subject to Me'ilah (since it is eaten by the Kohanim), whereas the ...

2. ... Emurim - are and ...

(b)... like the Emurim of an Olah, remain so until - they have been taken to the Beis ha'Deshen.

Mishnah 6
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(a)The Sh'tei ha'Lechem too, enter the realm of Me'ilah immediately upon being declared Hekdesh. At which point do they become Pasul via a T'vul-Yom and a Mechusar Kipurim?

(b)To which other ether category of P'sul do they become eligible at that stage?

(c)On what grounds do they also render the two lambs that are brought together with them eligible to be Shechted at that stage?

(d)Why does the Mishnah not insert Linah?


(a)The Sh'tei ha'Lechem too, enter the realm of Me'ilah immediately upon being declared Hekdesh. They become Pasul via a T'vul-Yom and a Mechusar Kipurim - as soon as the surface has formed a crust in the oven ...

(b)... since that is the beginning of their preparation and is therefore comparable to the Shechitah of an animal.

(c)They also render the two lambs that are brought together with them eligible to be Shechted at that stage (See Tosfos Yom Tov) - because that is when they fall into the category of 'bread'.

(d)The Mishnah does not insert Linah - because since their preparation does not override Yom-Tov, they must be baked on Erev Yom-Tov, and they are eaten only on Yom-Tov (See Tosfos Yom Tov), and Linah is therefore not applicable.


(a)At which stage do the Sh'tei ha'Lechem become subject to Pigul, Nosar and Tamei?

(b)What about Me'ilah?


(a)The Sh'tei ha'Lechem become subject to Pigul, Nosar and Tamei - as soon as the two accompanying lambs have been Shechted ...

(b)... at which stage they are no longer subject to Me'ilah - since they are eaten by the Kohanim.

Mishnah 7
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(a)The Din of the Lechem ha'Panim entering the realm of Me'ilah and becoming Pasul via a T'vul-Yom and a Mechusar Kipurim is the same as that of the Sh'tei ha'Lechem. For what else do they become eligible after they have formed a crust in the oven?

(b)What do they become subject to with the bringing on the Mizbe'ach of the two Bazichei Levonah?

(c)What are they no longer subject to at that stage?


(a)The Din of the Lechem ha'Panim entering the realm of Me'ilah and becoming subject to becoming Pasul via a T'vul-Yom and a Mechusar Kipurim is the same as that of the Sh'tei ha'Lechem. After they have formed a crust in the oven, they also become eligible - to be placed on the Shulchan ...

(b)... and with the bringing on the Mizbe'ach of the two Bazichei Levonah, they become subject to - Pigul (See Tosfos Yom-Tov), Nosar and Tamei.

(c)At that stage, they are no longer subject to - Me'ilah.

Mishnah 8
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(a)The Tana declares Menachos subject to Me'ilah as soon as they have been declared Hekdesh. When do they become Pasul via a T'vul-Yom and a Mechusar Kipurim?

(b)To what else do they become subject at the same time?

(c)And what do they become subject to when the Kometz has been brought?

(d)The Shirayim are not subject to Me'ilah, but the Kometz is. Up to when does Me'ilah still apply to the Kometz?

(e)Why does it not apply after that?


(a)The Tana declares Menachos subject to Me'ilah as soon as they have been declared Hekdesh. They become Pasul via a T'vul-Yom and a Mechusar Kipurim - after they have been sanctified in a K'li Shareis and ...

(b)... at the same time - they also become subject to Linah.

(c)When the Kometz has been brought, they become subject to - Pigul, Nosar and Tamei.

(d)The Shirayim are not subject to Me'ilah, but the Kometz is - until it has been taken out to the Beis ha'Deshen ...

(e)... but not after that - based on the principle that anything whose Mitzvah is completed is not subject to Me'ilah.

Mishnah 9
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(a)The Mishnah finally discusses the Kometz and the Levonah (of a Minchah) and the Ketores. When do they all become subject to Me'ilah?

(b)And what does the Tana say about the Minchas Kohanim, the Minchas Kohen ha'Mashi'ach and the Minchas Nesachim?

(c)What is the Minchas Nesachim?

(d)What do all of the above cases have in common?


(a)The Mishnah finally discusses the Kometz and the Levonah (of a Minchah) and the Ketores., which all become subject to Me'ilah - the moment they have been declared Hekdesh ...

(b)... and the same applies to the Minchas Kohanim, the Minchas Kohen ha'Mashi'ach and the Minchas Nesachim.

(c)The Minchas Nesachim is - the Minchah that accompanies a Korban (See Tosfos Yom Tov) and that has no Shirayim.

(d)What of the above cases have in common is - that they are all burned.


(a)When do all the cases listed above become Pasul ...

1. ... via a T'vul-Yom and a Mechusar Kipurim?

2. ... be'Linah?

(b)They also enter the realm of Nosar and Tamei at that point. Why not Pigul?

(c)In the 'Zeh ha'Kelal' presented by the Tana, at which stage do Korbanos that have a Matir become subject to Pigul, Nosar and Tamei?


(a)All the cases listed above become Pasul ...

1. ... via a T'vul-Yom and a Mechusar Kipurim as well as ...

2. ... be'Linah - from when they have been placed in a K'li Shareis (See Tosfos Yom Tov).

(b)They also enter the realm of Nosar and Tamei at that point, but not Pigul - since they do not have a Matir, and whatever does not have a Matir is not subject to Pigul.

(c)In the 'Zeh ha'Kelal' presented by the Tana, Korbanos that have a Matir become subject to Pigul, Nosar and Tamei - as soon as the Matir has been brought on the Mizbe'ach.


(a)What is the difference between the blood of Shelamim, Chata'os and Ashamos and that of Olas ha'Of and Parim ha'Nisrafin?

(b)And how do the blood of the lambs that permit the Sh'tei ha'Lechem, the Bazichei Levonah of the Lechem ha'Panim differ from the above two categories?

(c)What is the Kometz of the Minchah Matir?


(a)The difference between the blood of Shelamim, Chata'os and Ashamos and that of Olas ha'Of and Parim ha'Nisrafin is that - whereas the former permits part of the Korban to go on the Mizbe'ach and part to be eaten, the latter permits the entire Korban to go on the Mizbe'ach (See Tosfos Yom Tov).

(b)The blood of the lambs that permit the Sh'tei ha'Lechem, the Bazichei Levonah of the Lechem ha'Panim differ from the above two categories - inasmuch as they permit the Nitar to be eaten.

(c)The Kometz of the Minchah is Matir - the Shirayim (the remainder of the Minchah) to be eaten.


(a)How do we learn the above (with regard to Pigul) from the Pasuk in Tzav "Lo Yeratzeh"?

(b)From where do we know that the same Din extends to Nosar and Tamei?

(c)Having learned earlier in the Mishnah that whatever does not have a Matir is not subject to Pigul, what do we learn from the Pasuk in Emor "Kol Ish asher Yikrav mi'Kol Zar'achem el ha'Kodshim ... ve'Tum'aso alav ve'Nichr'sah?

(d)From where do we learn that the same applies to Nosar?


(a)We learn the above (with regard to Pigul) from the Pasuk in Tzav "Lo Yeratzeh" - which implies that just as a Korban achieves atonement (via the Matir), so too, does it become subject to Pigul.

(b)And we know that the same Din extends to Nosar and Tamei - because we learn them from Pigul (in Maseches Zevachim).

(c)Having learned earlier in the Mishnah that whatever does not have a Matir is not subject to Pigul, we learn from the Pasuk in Emor "Kol Ish asher Yikrav mi'Kol Zar'achem el ha'Kodshim ... ve'Tum'aso alav ve'Nichr'sah - that it is subject to Tum'ah (See Tosfos Yom Tov) ...

(d)... and we learn Nosar - from Tamei.