What is the question from our Mishnah to the case of Avodah Zarah?
The fact that there is a Din of Meilah on the nest shows that it Hekdesh and is thus not Avodah Zarah: a question on Reish Lakish.
The fact that there is no Din of Meilah on the tree shows that Hekdesh can be undone. The same thus holds true for Avodah Zarah: a question on R. Yochanon.
The fact that the nest on the Asheirah tree is permitted shows that the bird’s breaking twigs for the nest is Mevatel the Avodah Zarah: a question on R. Yochanon.
The fact that the nest on the Asheirah may only be pushed with a branch and not actually taken shows that there is still Avodah Zarah here: a question on Reish Lakish.
The fact that the Akum used his tree to house his bird’s nest shows that he is still using his Asheirah tree: a question on Reish Lakish.
Where does the Gemara first assume that birds take materials to build their nests?
From the tree upon which they build the nest.
From the tree next to the one in which they build the nest.
Half is taken from this tree, and half from other trees.
Two thirds from this tree, and a third from other trees.
It depends on the type of bird.
Which parts of trees cut for timber are subject to Meilah?
Any part of the tree.
Only the wood.
Only the wood and the shavings/sawdust.
The wood, shavings/sawdust, and leaves.
The wood, shavings/sawdust, and leaves, and birds living in the trees when they were felled.
May Hekdesh worth a Maneh be deconsecrated on a Prutah’s value?
Yes: always, and even Lechatchilah.
By Ketores and trees Lechatchilah, and by stones for building Bedieved.
By stones for building Lechatchilah, and by Ketores Bedieved.
Never Lechatchilah, and always Bedieved.
Never, even Bedieved.
What was purchased with Hekdesh funds, and what was consecrated afterwards?
Buildings were built with Hekdesh funds, and trees were consecrated afterwards.
Everything was consecrated afterwards.
It depended on who the Gizbor was and how much he felt he could trust the workers.
Trees were purchased with Hekdesh funds, and buildings were consecrated afterwards.