What does a Machashavah Pesulah during Shechitah do?
- It is Mefagel the Korban.
- It creates a deficiency in the Korban, that if all other Avodos Hadam are done properly the Korban will be Piggul.
- It creates a deficiency in the Korban, that if the Kabbalas Hadam is done properly the Korban will be Piggul.
- It creates a deficiency in the Korban, that if the Holachah is done properly the Korban will be Piggul.
- It creates a deficiency in the Korban, that if the Haktaras Aimurim is done properly the Korban will be Piggul.
Which Pesul is there a Svora to say that it is stronger, that only it can prevent Zerikah from being effective in regard to Meilah?
- Zerikas Piggul with Machashavas Chutz L’Zmano, because eating Chutz L’Zmano is a Chiyuv Kareis.
- The Zerikah of any Piggul, because there are Pigguls that involve a Chiyuv Kareis.
- The Zerikah of Linah, because it is considered a Maaseh Beyadayim.
- The Zerikah of Linah, because it involves the blood, which is the primary Mechaper.
- There is no Svora to say that one Pesul is stronger than the other.
When is there Meilah on a Korban?
- Before Zerikah, only, in all Korbanos.
- After Zerikah, only, in all Korbanos.
- Meilah always applies in all Korbanos, whether before or after Zerikah.
- Meilah in most Kodashei Kodashim is until Zerikah, and in Kodashim Kalim it is after Zerikah.
- Meilah in most Kodashim Kalim is until Zerikah, and in Kodashei Kodashem it is after Zerikah.
Which Korban has the same Dinei Meilah before Zerikah as it does after Zerikah?
- Korban Olah.
- Korban Chatas.
- Korban Asham.
- Bechor and Shalmei Chaggigah.
- All Kodashim Kalim
For which of R. Gidel’s statements does the Gemara have a clear support?
- The first – Zerikas Piggul does not end the Meilah period of Kodashei Kodashim.
- The second – Zerikas Piggul does not begin the Meilah period of Kodashei Kalim.
- Both statements.
- Neither of the statements.
- There is a clear support, but it is an unresolved question as to which statement this support is for.