TOSFOS DH v'Dachi Asarah Alfei Kikarei Kaspa
תוספות ד"ה ודחי עשרה אלפי ככרי כספא
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the significance of this amount.)
- שמעתי שעשרה אלפי ככר כסף עולין חצי שקל לכל אחד מישראל שהיו שש מאות אלף כשיצאו ממצרים
Explanation: I heard that 10,000 Kikarim of silver amounts to half a Shekel for everyone in Yisrael, who were 600,000 when they left Mitzrayim;
ואמר שיתן לאחשורוש כל פדיונם ודוק ותשכח.
He (Haman) said that he will give to Achashverosh their "redemption". Check and you will find [that the calculation is correct.]
Note: In the Midbar, everyone gave half a Shekel of silver, and they were used to make 100 Adanim (sockets) for the Mishkan. Each Adan was one Kikar. This is only 100 Kikarim! The Maharsha says to see the Chizkuni (Shemos 30:14), who says that Haman gave corresponding to what Bnei Yisrael in their entire lives. An average life is 70 years, and one starts giving at the age of 20, so he gives 50 years. In the Midbar they gave Shekel ha'Kodesh, which is double. Therefore, Haman gave 10,000 regular Kikarim, which is like 5000 Kodesh Kikarim. Tosfos ha'Rosh (13b) explains that Haman gave 50 Shekalim for each adult male Yisrael, for this is his Erech. See Pnei Yehoshua for another explanation.
TOSFOS DH Tzarich l'Omran bi'Neshimah Achas
תוספות ד"ה צריך לאומרן בנשימה אחת
(SUMMARY: Tosfos says that this is only l'Chatchilah.)
נראה דהיינו לכתחילה אבל בדיעבד יצא.
Pesak: It seems that this is l'Chatchilah, but b'Di'eved he was Yotzei (even if he did not say them in one breath).
TOSFOS DH Amrah Miba'i Lei
תוספות ד"ה אמרה מיבעי ליה
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it should say "Amrah".)
- דמשמע דהכי קאמר ובבואה לפני המלך אמרה לו מלבד הספר שאמר (הגהת הב"ח) לעשות ולשלוח בכל המדינות אמרה לו עוד ישוב מחשבתו הרעה
Explanation: This connotes that when she came in front of the king, she said to him, aside from the Sefer that he said to make and send to all the Medinos, she said to him also to retract his evil intent;
דכיון דקאמר בבואה אמר משמע שיש לנו לומר מה שאמרה.
Since it says "in her coming he said", this connotes that we (i.e. the Megilah) should say what she said.