Why did בַּת פַּרְעֹה go to the river?
- She needed to go to the bathroom.
- She was a Nidah.
- She was converting.
- She was dirty.
- She heard a baby crying.
What was אסתר 's real name?
- אסתר
- הדסה
- הדסה אסתר
- Lillian.
- Machlokes A&B.
What did אסתר eat in the palace?
- מאכל יהודי
- קדלי דחזירי
- זרעונים
- Macrobiotic.
- Machlokes all but D.
Why did they gather women a second time?
- Looking for a Hiddur.
- Esther wanted Shabbos off.
- Wanted a Vashti look alike.
- To make אסתר jealous.
- Give her a companion.
What great trait of רחל gave her such outstanding decendants?
- Modesty.
- Charity.
- Kindness to animals.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
Rava brands Haman as a master in the art of _________ .
- bribery
- Lashon Hara
- barbering
- flattery
- watercolors