If he says they were both convicted in another court.
Machlokes all of the above.
"מעידין אנו את איש פלוני שגירש את אשתו ולא נתן לה כתובתה" if they are עדים זוממין what do they pay?
What they made the husband lose.
What they made the wife lose.
What they made the wife lose but not her נכסי מלוג.
Machlokes all but A.
If Reuven owes Shimon 1000 Zuz, and עדים זוממין testified that he must pay in 30 days, and Reuven says that he has 10 years to pay what do they owe Reuven?
1000 Zuz.
What one would pay for the use of the money for that time.
990 Zuz.
Machlokes A&C.
Shemitah is not Meshamet a normal loan of 10 years.
Only in Eretz Yisroel.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
Shemitah is not Meshamet a מלוה על המשכון of 10 years.