The Internet center for the study of Dafyomi brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf The lecture for Monday September 25, 2006, 5:30 pm Israel time will be given by Rabbi Hadar Margolin shlit'aauthor of the Artscroll's "The Lulav and Esrog Handbook" The subject for today's Shiur is: Sukah 35: "How to Choose your Esrog" Click on an icon to begin playback.
The subject for today's Shiur is:
Click on an icon to begin playback.
1. Esrogim of different shapes 2. The "Chotam" of the Esrog 2. Black Spot 3. Brown Spots and Leaf Marks ("Blettlach") 4. The Pitam, and Leaf Marks ("Blettlach") 5. Sliced Esrog 6. The "Ukatz" of the Esrog
2. The "Chotam" of the Esrog
2. Black Spot
3. Brown Spots and Leaf Marks ("Blettlach")
4. The Pitam, and Leaf Marks ("Blettlach")
5. Sliced Esrog
6. The "Ukatz" of the Esrog
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