The Internet center for the study of Dafyomi
brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf
The lecture for Sunday February 26, 2006, 5:30 pm Israel time (10:30 am EST) will be given by Harav Maier Caplan shlit'a
The subject for today's Shiur is:
Pesachim 35a: Dough Made from Wheat and Rice

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Additional Sources:
Source #2 Rash, Chalah 3:7

Source #7 Derech Emunah, Hilchos Bikurim 6:11

Source #9 Gilyon Maharsha, YD 324:9

Source #11 Gilyon Chazon Ish on Chidushei Rav Chaim Halevy, Chametz 6:5
