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brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
Email - daf@shemayisrael.co.il
Kerisus Chart #6
(A) RASHI(2) |
(B) TOSFOS(3) |
1) | HE INTENDED TO PERFORM AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT ACTION, WHICH IS PERMITTED ("Mis'asek b'Ma'aseh Acher": e.g. he intended to pick up a knife, but he cut a grape instead) |
Patur | Patur |
2) | HE INTENDED TO PERFORM THE SAME ACTION BUT IN A MANNER THAT IS PERMITTED ("Shnei Gufin, v'Echad me'Hem Shel Heter": e.g. he wanted to cut a grape from a detached cluster, and he picked a grape from a cluster that was still attached)(4) |
Rava : Patur Abaye: Chayav |
Patur |
3a) | HE INTENDED TO DO A PROHIBITED ACTION, KNOWING THAT IT WAS PROHIBITED ("Shnei Gufin, Sheneihem Shel Isur": e.g. he intended to pick one grape, and he accidentally picked a different one) |
Chayav(5) | Patur |
3b) | HE INTENDED TO DO A PROHIBITED ACTION, BUT HE DID NOT KNOW IT WAS PROHIBITED, DUE TO A MISUNDERSTANDING OF THE *PHYSICAL* CIRCUMSTANCES ("Chisaron Yedi'ah ha'Gorem l'Shinuy b'Ma'aseh": e.g. he thought this grape was detached but it really was attached |
Chayav(6) | Rava : Patur Abaye: Chayav(7) |
4) | HE INTENDED TO DO A PROHIBITED ACTION, BUT HE DID NOT KNOW IT WAS PROHIBITED, DUE TO A TO A MISUNDERSTANDING OF THE *HALACHIC* CIRCUMSTANCES ("Chisaron Yedi'as ha'Isur": e.g. he did not know that it was Shabbos, or that the Torah prohibits picking grapes on Shabbos) |
Chayav | Chayav |
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