The mother of Bnei Rochel was sick. She said 'give my very expensive pin to my daughter', and Chachamim did. Why?
- They were afraid of them.
- שכיב מרע is always listened to.
- Kenas.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes B&C.
שכיב מרע says, "מנה לפלוני". Said פלוני dies followed by the שכיב מרע. Who gets the money?
- Heirs of the שכיב מרע.
- Heirs of the מי שנשתלחו לו.
- יחלקו
- שודא
- Machlokes all of the above.
*הדרן עלך המביא*
- !TRUE!
"המביא גט ממדינת הים, ואמר "בפני נכתב אבל לא בפני נחתם"" We already learnt this?!
- I would have thought דיעבד it is alright.
- לא זו אף זו.
- קשיא.
- תיקו.
- Machlokes A&B.
" בפני נכתב כולו ובפני נחתם חציו" is alright if_________ .
- There are two witnesses on the other.
- שליח and another testify to the second.
- He says he is the second.
- A is good rest are a Machlokes.
- A is not good rest are a Machlokes.
If a ditch five Tefachim deep is next to a wall five Tefachim tall, they join to be considered a wall.
- True.
- False.
- תיקו
- Only for a Sucah.
- Machlokes A&B.