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Sinai Stones

There is a legend or possibly Midrash that states the rocks of Mount Sinai were imprinted with an image of a bush to commemorate Moses' encounter with the burning bush.

I once heard an explanation in the name of a Midrash: "When G-d sent Moses to Egypt to report to the Jews about the redemption and then to come back to Mount Sinai, Moses asked G-d: 'how will I be sure which mountain to return to?' (since at first, G-d spoke to Moses only from Mount Sinai). G-d made a miracle and all the rocks from Mount Sinai became engraved with the 'burning bush'".

Now, we cannot be 100 percent sure where Mount Sinai is, but there is such a mountain in the Sinai peninsula where all its rocks have fern-like patterns on its sides. Local Beduins maintain no such autograph appears in any other mountain in the Sinai peninsula.

I have personally seen stones from there and they indeed have this pattern. Some want to "debunk" this Midrash by saying such a phenomena exists elsewhere, i.e. although it is rare, there exists similar patterns on the surface of rocks elsewhere in the world, such as in India and California. The phenomena is called "crystal dendrites".

However, just because it exists elsewhere does not mean the Midrash is not correct. Perhaps G-d chose a natural phenomena to occur at that particular place. As is known, G-d runs the world in such a way that miracles are minimized.

He does not make open miracles without a loophole for the deniers to deny. After all, the purpose of nature is to make free will possible.

For example, before the splitting of the red sea, G-d made a "strong east wind all night" (Exodus 14:21). This was to allow those looking for excuses to deny the hand of G-d to have an opening to do so. Indeed, there are many "scientific" papers today purporting that a strong wind can split the sea and that Moses was helped by the wind (why didn't he get blown away also is of course a mystery).

Similarly, for the toppling of the walls of Jericho, G-d commanded the Israelites to blow the Shofar in unison, so that the "deniers" can have an excuse for explaining away the miracle by saying the sound vibrations caused the walls to topple (Michtav M'Eliyahu). Also, by Samson, it says "And the hair of his head began to grow after he was shaven" (Judges 16:22) before the miracle of his super-human strength returning one last time.

So too, for everything in nature. Even life was created with DNA similarities to give an opening for the deniers to attribute all its vast bottomless wisdom to plain dumb luck.

Thus it is expected that the phenomena of the mysterious rocks at Sinai has a natural parallel in something called "crystal dendrites". These form on the surface of rocks. Some can even get into natural fissures in rocks.

But is there any difference between "crystal dendrites" and the rocks at Sinai?

I heard from the Hidabroot people, that the amazing difference is that if you split the rock, you will see this pattern again on the new inner surfaces also. If you split it again, you will see it again, and so forth. No matter where you split the rock, you will see the pattern again. This has been corroborated by other people who witnessed these strange rocks first hand..

For other rocks in the world with "crystal dendrites", this appears on the surface only or sometimes in natural fissures. But not everywhere you split it. It seems by the Sinai stones, the image of the bush was engraved entirely throughout the stone.

Thus, it seems there is indeed something unique and mysterious about these "Sinai Stones".



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