Review Questions on the Chovos HaLevavos - #3 Gate of Service of G-d
prepared by Rabbi Yosef Sebag
1) What should be a human being's conduct after acknowledging the unity of G-d and examining the various modes of His benefits to mankind?
2) When is one under duty of gratitude to another person?
3) Which indications demonstrate that a father's love for his child is naturally implanted?
4) Why didn't the author bring a proof of revering one's father from the ten commandments? (Pas Lechem)
5) How is it derived that a slave must show gratitude to his master?
6) Why is the rich man like a merchant in his acts of kindness?
7) Why is one who acts out of pity self-serving?
8) How do we learn from these examples that one is under obligation to the Creator?
9) Why does this obligation of gratitude towards the Creator become strengthened through the relative greatness of Him.
10) In what three ways is a human being inferior to the animals?
11) Why has G-d created man with so many deficiencies?
Chapter 1
1) Why is it necessary to arouse others in the service of G-d?
2) Which two things call a human being to assume the service of G-d?
Chapter 2
1) Why does the desire for sensual pleasures prevail over man?
2) Which qualities, if used, will make man loathe his position in this world? (Marpe Lenefesh)
3) How are prayer, fasting, and kindness opposite to lust? (Marpe Lenefesh)
4) What will make the intellect stronger, purer, and more luminous and will drive away from man the folly that masters his soul?
5) What is the main purpose for which the human species has been called into existence in this world?
Chapter 3
1) What is the definition of service to a benefactor?
2) What two kinds of submission are rendered to a benefactor?
3) What submission is induced by the torah?
4) Why does the submission induced by the torah lead to submission induced by the understanding? (Tov Halevanon)
(the seven advantages of the service induced by the understanding)
5) a. Why is serviced induced by the torah susceptible to being hypocritical?
6) b. Why is the service induced by the understanding done with all of one's power? (Lev Tov)
7) c. Why is the service induced by the torah more superficial?
8) d. Why is the service induced by the torah like a seed?
9) e. What induces a person to increasingly submit and humble himself before G-d?
10) f. Why does the service induced by the understanding require divine help?
11) g. Why is the service induced by the understanding free of the force of evil passion?
(the seven advantages of the instruction of the torah)
12) a. How does the torah stabilize the tendencies of body and soul.
13) b. Why does prayer not make sense to the understanding? (Tov Halevanon)
14) c. Why does the intellectual urge not include equally all who are under the obligation of service?
15) d. How does the obligation of service vary according to benefits received?
16) e. How is the instruction of the torah necessary for the youth?
17) f. Why did the torah include precepts which reason already obligates? (Marpe Lenefesh)
18) g. What advantage is there to the stimulus of the torah that it came through a human intermediary and with miracles?
19) What is the status of one who does not accept the obligations dictated by the understanding with regard to animals?
20) What will be his fate?
Chapter 4
1) What is the purpose of the revelation of the torah?
2) What was the purpose of creating man? (Tov Halevanon)
3) Which duties of the heart are grounded in genuine faith?
4) List 5 examples of prohibitions in the category of duties of the heart.
5) What are "permissible activities"?
6) What are the three divisions of "permissible" activities?
7) Why do superfluous things for the improvement and enjoyment of the body transform in the end to evil?
8) When is deficiency in permitted things rewarded by G-d?
9) In the conclusion, why are permissible activities either in the category of the commanded or the prohibited?
10) Why is every activity either permitted or forbidden?
11) According to this, who is the intelligent person?
12) Who is considered intelligent and righteous in all his deeds? (Marpe Lenefesh)
(the ten classes of torah understanding)
13) Why is the first class like a donkey laden with books?
14) Name examples of people in the fifth class. (Marpe Lenefesh)
15) What is the eighth class and what do they neglect?
16) In which class belong the Talmudic teachers?
(the ten classes of torah faith)
17) What factor besides ignorance leads the first class of Jews to reject the torah?
18) Why does the second class not believe in reward and punishment? (Pas Lechem/Marpe Lenefesh)
19) How does the author refute this view?
20) How does he refute this view in the way of agreement?
21) Why does the third class not believe in reward in the hereafter?
22) What causes the fourth class to err?
23) Why is the fifth class called "joint worship"? (Tov Halevanon and Pas Lechem)
24) Why does the sixth class hope only for worldly reward?
25) Why does the seventh class serve only for reward here and in the hereafter?
26) By what does the eighth class accept the service of G-d?
27) What topples the person in the ninth class?
28) What motivates those in the tenth degree regarding the service of G-d and why?
29) What verse does the author bring to describe this class and what is
30) How has this class become aroused out of neglect? (Marpe Lenefesh)
Chapter 5
1) Why is the question and answer format a powerful method? (Pas Lechem)
2) What is the urge of the intellect?
3) To whom does the call of the intellect call to?
4) On which things does a person experience the intellectual urge?
5) When does a man's intellect become sound and his perception strong?
6) What will happen to such a person who realizes he lacks the ability to repay G-d?
7) What is the soul (nefesh)? (Marpe Lenefesh)
(the deliberation between the understanding and the soul)
8) Why is the soul pledged and belonging to G-d? (Pas Lechem)
9) What is the first condition required for one to put up with the bitterness of the medication?
10) How can it be determined whether the soul's longing to repay G-d is genuine or not?
11) What is the difference between longing and wanting? (Pas Lechem)
12) What causes a want to become lax? (Pas Lechem)
13) What are the two root bad dispositions of the soul?
14) What things maintain these two bad dispositions?
15) How does one make the separation from these dispositions easier?
16) What is the good that separation from these dispositions will bring?
17) What is the evil from not renouncing these dispositions?
18) What is the general principle in the service of G-d as explained with the analogy of the slave?
19) Give the first four examples of the duties of good conduct of any servant towards his master which the author mentioned.
20) How should he conduct himself in his thoughts?
21) What should the faithful servant think if the master leaves him hungry?
22) What are the bad habits of a servant?
Chapter 6
1) What is the universal goodness of G-d which embraces all mankind?
2) What service if mankind due on account of this?
3) What special favor did G-d do to the children of Israel?
4) What additional service are they under duty to perform because of this?
5) What special duty did G-d charge the Davidic Kings?
6) Give three examples of individuals endowed with special gifts.
7) What will happen to them if they perform the additional service in full measure?
8) The soul then asks how it could ever fulfill this service. What problem does the soul mention?
(three reasons for this problem)
9) What is the first reason why the soul is always requesting for more benefits?
10) What is the remedy for this problem.
11) What is the second reason and what is its remedy? (Marpe Lenefesh)
12) What is the third reason and what is its remedy?
13) What summary does the author give after all this? (Marpe Lenefesh)
Chapter 7
(ten conditions of minimum service)
1) Give two examples of using a Divine bounty to rebel against G-d. (Tov Halevanon)
2) What is the second condition?
3) What is the third condition, and how should the bounty be instead perceived? (Marpe Lenefesh)
4) How must he conduct himself if the bounty came through a human being?
5) What is the fifth condition and what is meant by "fitting for it"? (Pas Lechem)
6) What is the sixth condition, and what should he instead think? (Tov Halevanon)
7) What is the seventh condition, and why would G-d do this? (Pas Lechem)
8) What is the eight condition? (Pas Lechem)
9) To what types of people should he set his attention?
10) What does the delay in divine wrath cause people to do?
11) What is the purpose for this delay? (Pas Lechem)
12) What will he who undertakes these 10 conditions merit?
Chapter 8
1) Which matter bothers the soul more than anything else?
2) What versus support the view of divine decree?
3) How can we see from observation that a human being is bound by divine decree?
(necessity vs. free will)
4) According to the first view, how much control does man have in this world?
5) What is the second view?
6) Why is this view disgraceful? (Tov Halevanon)
7) What is the third view?
8) According to the third view, why is this mystery hidden from us?
9) Which of the three views is closest to the torah?
10) what is the meaning of the double-expression "like a weaned child with his mother; my soul is with me like a weaned child"? (Pas Lechem)
Chapter 9
1) What happened to the first foolish ruler in the Indian island?
2) What did the second ruler do differently?
3) What is the explanation of the parable?
4) What is G-d's purpose in creating man?
(three conditions for meriting the divine favor)
5) What is the first condition?
6) What is the curtain of folly? (Tov Halevanon)
7) What is the second condition?
8) What is the third condition?
9) How does bearing the yoke of G-d's service elevate a person? (Marpe Lenefesh)
10) Give an alternative interpretation for this (Tov Halevanon).
11) What are the five keepers of the gates?
12) What are the connecting intermediaries between the spiritual (soul) and physical body?
13) What are the two counselors of a man?
(G-d's message to all human beings)
14) How are the worldly pleasures like an embryonic sack to the soul?
15) What does G-d promise to do to you if you choose His service and keep far from rebelling against Him?
16) What will happen to your permitted (neutral) deeds if you follow the service of G-d?
17) What will happen to your permitted deeds if you follow the lusts?
18) Why is this in accordance with the justice of your Creator?
19) What analogy does the author use to demonstrate that G-d will judge you according to His omniscient powers?
20) What will a person be shown just after death?
Chapter 10
1) What is the proper occasion when joy is in place?
2) What does ths come to exclude? (Tov Halevanon)
3) What is the proper occasion when grief is in place?
4) What benefit will come through this grief? (Tov Halevanon)
5) When is fear proper?
6) When is hope proper?
7) When is courage proper?
8) When is timidity proper?
9) When is shame proper?
10) When is boldness proper?
11) When is anger in place?
12) What will this accomplish? (Pas Lechem)
13) When is satisfaction in place?
14) When is mercifulness in place?
15) When is ruthfulness in place?
16) When is pride in place?
17) When is humility in place? (2 cases)
18) When is love in place?
19) When is hatred in place?
20) When is generosity in place?
21) When is miserliness in place?
22) When is laziness place?
23) When is diligence in place?