Quiz on עירובין צ


ERUVIN 90 (3 Teves) - today's Dafyomi material isn dedicated in memory of Hagaon Rav Yisroel Zev Gustman zt"l (author of "Kuntresei Shiurim") and his wife, Rebbetzin Sarah Gustman (daughter of Hagaon Rav Meir Bassin, a Dayan in Vilna) in honor of the day of the Yahrzeit of the Rebbetzin. Sponsored by a number of Rav Gustman's Talmidim (Yechiel Wachtel, Michael Starr and Mordecai Kornfeld).


ERUVIN 90 (10 Av) - Dedicated by Rabbi Dr. Eli Turkel of Ra'anana, Israel, in memory of his father, Yisrael Shimon ben Shlomo ha'Levi Turkel.