According to Rav one may not live with a Nochri alone in a Chatzer or Mavui even if one is safe.
If there is an inner Chatzer and an outer Chatzer, both made their own Eiruv but they are totally open one to the other what is the Din?
If there is an inner Chatzer and an outer Chatzer,only the outer made their own Eiruv but they are totally open one to the other what is the Din?
If they made a joint Eruv placing the Eruv in one of the two Chatzeros, and one person forgot to participate the Eruv is Pasul.
What would be the Din if two people lived in the outer courtyard and only one in the inner one?
If there are 10 houses, one inside the other even the house outside the innermost one must Me'arev.