Eruvin Chart #11
Chart for Eruvin Daf 68b
1 | MISHNAH | If we are Machzik immediately when Shabbos enters |
Bitul works until the Tzeduki uses the Chatzer (1) |
2 | BERAISA | If we are Machzik immediately when Shabbos enters(2) |
Bitul does not work |
(1) This is implicit in the wording of our Mishnah. See Insights.
The Gemara asks a contradiction between Rebbi Yehudah of our Mishnah and Rebbi Yehudah of the Beraisa. The Gemara answers that (a) Rebbi Yehudah in the Mishnah also means that the Tzeduki's Bitul does not work at all (and not as recorded in the chart above), or (b) Rebbi Yehudah in the Mishnah is referring to a case of a Tzeduki who desecrates Shabbos only in private, in which case his Bitul works, while the Beraisa is referring to a Tzeduki who desecrates Shabbos in public, whose Bitul does not work. (2) Although the wording of the Beraisa would seem to imply that Bitul works, according to Rebbi Meir, until the Tzeduki uses the Chatzer, nevertheless it is clear from the Gemara on bottom of the page that the intention of Rebbi Meir in the Beraisa is the same as that of Rebbi Meir in our Mishnah.