úåñ' ã"ä ãà÷ãùéä áôìâéä ãàøáòéí åúîðé
(Summary: Tosfos explains why 'de'Akdesheih' is La'av Davka.)
ìàå ãå÷à ð÷è 'ãà÷ãùéä... '
Clarification: 'de'Akdesheih' is La'av Davka ...
ãìà áä÷ãù úìéà îéìúà ëé àí áâàåìä.
Reason: Since the criterion is not the Hekdesh but the redemption.
úåñ' ã"ä åìé÷ãùå áàôé ðôùééäå
(Summary: Tosfos refers to his refutation of Rashi and Rashbam on this Sugya in Kidushin and Bava Basra respectively.)
îä ùôøù"é á÷éãåùéï áô' äàåîø åøùáí áô' äîåëø àú äáéú ìà ðäéøà ...
Refutation: What Rashi explains in Kidushin in Perek ha'Omer and the Rashbam in Perek ha'Mocher es ha'Bayis in Bava Basra is not correct (See Avodah Berurah) ...
ùäøé àôéìå ùãä àçø éëåì ìâàåì ìçöàéï...
Reason: Seeing as even another field one is permitted to redeem in halves ...
ëãîñé÷ áô' ÷îà ã÷ãåùéï ã'ìåä åâåàì, åâåàì ìçöàéï.'
Reason: As the Gemara concludes in the first Perek of Kidushin - 'One may borrow and redeem and one may redeem in halves'.
ôéøùúé áá"á (ãó ÷â.) å÷ãåùéï (ãó ñà.).
Reference: Tosfos explained this in Bava Basra (Daf 103a) and in Kidushin (Daf 61a)
TOSFOS DH L'YA'IDAH U'L'EVED IVRI (This Dibur belongs on Amud Beis).
úåñ' ã"ä ìéòéãä åìòáã òáøé
(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Tana does not incorporate 'Nachalah'.)
åà"ú, àîàé ìà çùéá ðîé ìðçìä?
Question: Why does the Tana not include 'Nachalah' (inheritance) in the list?
åàéï ìåîø ãîùåí ãìà éãòéðï ðçìä àìà îèòí æä ùäåà ÷åãí ìùãä àçåæä -ëãàéúà áôø÷ éù ðåçìéï (á"á ãó ÷ç:) ...
Refuted Answer: And we can't say that we only know Nachalah from the fact that a son takes precedence with respect to a S'deh Achuzah- as we see in Perek Yesh Nochlin (Bava Basra 108b),
äà ìéúà, ãàôéìå éäà ùåéí áùàø ãáøéí ëîå òáã òáøé åùãä àçåæä îëì î÷åí ìéòéãä äáï ÷åãí ìàç á÷øà áäãéà åîéðéä éãòéðï ùôéø ðçìä.
Refutation: This is incorrect, because even if they would be equal with respect to other Halachos such as Eved Ivri and S'deh Achuzah, nevertheless the Pasuk says explicitly that a son precedes a brother by Yiud, and from this we may correctly infer that the same applies to Nachalah.
ìëï ðøàä ìôøù ãìà ð÷è àìà ãìà ùééëà áàç ëìì...
Answer: The explanation must therefore be that the Tana only includes cases to which a brother is not subject at all ...
àáì ðçìä ùééëà áàç îéäà äéëà ãìéëà ìà áï åìà áú (åìà àá).
Answer (cont.): As opposed to Nachalah, where a brother is subject at least where there is no son or daughter.
úåñ' ã"ä ëìåí éù éáåí àìà áî÷åí ùàéï áï
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)
ôé' åòãéó èôé áï îàç áäàé îéìúà .
Authentic Explanation: In other words, Ben takes precedence over Ach in this regard.
àáì àéï ìôøù ëãîùîò ìôåí øéäèà ãùåéí äí áãáø äæä, åäåä ìéä áï òãéó áéòéãä åòáã òáøé...
Refuted Explanation: One cannot explain, as would appear at first glance, that they are equal, and that Ben takes precedence with regard to Ye'idah and Eved Ivri ...
ãìà îùîò ëê áéù ðåçìéï (á"á ãó ÷è.) ãîñé÷ ãáú ÷åãîú ìàá åìàç îèòí æä ãìòðéï éáåí áï åáú ëé äããé ðéðäå, ìòðéï ðçìä ðîé áï åáú ëé äããé ðéðäå.
Refutation: Because this is not implied in 'Yesh Nochlin' (Bava Basra, Daf 109a), where it concludes that Bas takes precedence over Av and Ach, precisely because, since with regard to Yibum Ben and Bas are equal, they are also equalk regarding Yibum.
àìîà ò"ë àðå öøéëéï ìåîø ãîèòí æä áï òãéó èôé îàç.
Refutation (cont.): We are therefore forced to say that for the same reason Ben takes precedence over Ach.
úåñ' ã"ä àçåæúå ùìå åàéï æå ùìå
(Summary: Tosfos explains why "Achuzaso" is necessary.)
åà"ú, ì"ì "àçåæúå" ,áìà ÷øà ðåëì ìñúåø ä÷"å, ëãàéúà áñåó îëéìúéï âáé ùãä çøîéï...
Question: Why do we need "Achuzaso", when, without a Pasuk it is possible to refute the Kal va'Chomer, as the Gemara explains at the end of the Masechta in connection with Sadeh Charamin (that a Yisrael was Makdish) ...
ããéé÷ ÷"å ëä"â ãäëà, åîñé÷ 'îé ãîé? äúí ÷à æëé áòìîà, äëà ù÷éì ìéä? ,ä"ð äåä îöé ìîñúø ÷"å ãäëà?
Question (cont.): When it learns a Kal va'Chomer similar to the one here, and concludes 'How can one compare them? There he acquires it from someone else, here he just takes it' (See Rabeinu Gershom there)?
åé"ì, ãàé ìàå "àçåæúå" ä"à îâ"ù ã"ëäï" "ëäï" îâæì äâø, ãàéðä éåöàä îúçú éãå.
Answer: If not for "Achuzaso", based on the Gezeirah Shavah "Kohen" "Kohen" from Gezel ha'Ger, we would have said that he may retain it.
åëï îùîò äñåâéà äúí ôø÷ äâåæì ÷îà (á"÷ ãó ÷è: åùí) ...
Support: And so it is implied in the Sugya in Perek ha'Gozel Kama (Bava Kama, Daf 109b & 110a) ...
ã'ú"ø äøé ùäéä ëäï âåæì äâø, îðéï ùìà éàîø "äåàéì åéåöà ìëäðéí, åäøé äåà úçú éãé, úäà ùìé? ...
Question: Where the Beraisa, discussing a Kohen who steals from a Ger, asks from where we know that he cannot claim that 'Since it goes out to the Kohanim anyway and it is currently in my domain , I may as well retain it?" ...
åãéï äåà, àí áùì àçøéí æåëä, áùì òöîå ìà ë"ù '? " ...
Question (cont.): And he has a Kal va'Chomer to back him up - if he acquires what belonged to others, how much more so what was his to start off with?
'åäëúéá "åàéù àú ÷ãùéå ìå éäéå" -ôéøåù ãîéðéä éìôéðï (ùí) ãëäï î÷øéá ÷øáðåúéå áëì òú åáëì ùòä ùéøöä, åàôé' áîùîø ùàéðå ùìå ...
Proof: Does the Torah not write "ve'Ish es Kodashov lo Yih'yu" - from which we learn that a Kohen can bring his own Korbanos whenever he likes, even if it is not his Mishmar ...
åà"ë, ãéï äåà ùé÷øéá àùîå ùäåà çééá òì âæì äâø åéùàø âí ä÷øï áéãå? ...
Question (concl.): In which case, he ought to be able to bring the Asham that he is Chayav to bring for Gezel ha'Ger, and consequently, to retain the Keren (that he stole)? ...
[åîùðé] ã'éìôéðï "ëäï" "ëäï" îùãä àçåæä -ãéåöà îúçú éãå åîúçì÷ú ìëì [àçéå] äëäðéí ...
Answer: We learn from "Kohen" "Kohen" from Sadesh Achuzah - that it goes out from his domain and is divided among his brothers the Kohanim ...
åäúí îðìï? åîééúé ñåâéà ãäëà- àìîà àé ìà ãëúéá "àçåæúå" ä"à áâæì äâø ãàéðå éåöà îúçú éãå îùåí ãëúéá "åàéù àú ÷ãùéå ìå éäéå" ... '
Source: And in answer to the question from where we know that, the Gemara cites our Sugya ...
åéìôéðï ðîé ùãä ùäéà àçåæä ãàéðä éåöàä îéã ëäï.
Answer (cont.): And we learn that also a field that was his own will not leave his domain.
îù"ä àéöèøéê "àçåæúå" 'ùìå, åàéï æå ùìå' ...
Conclusion: That explains why we need "Achuzaso" - 'his possession is his, but this is not his!' ...
åéìôéðï âæì äâø îéðéä îâ"ù ã"ëäï" "ëäï".
Answer (cont.): And we learn Gezel ha'Ger from there with the Gezeirah Shavah "Kohen" "Kohen".
úåñ' ã"ä îä ìäìï áãîéí àó ëàï áãîéí
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the source of the fact that the Kohanim take precedence.)
åà"ú, îðìï ãéù ìäï ìëäðéí òìéä èôé îàçø? ...
Question: From where does Rebbi Yehudah know that Kohanim have more rights than anybody else? ...
ãìîà ãåîéà ãî÷ãéù áéú, ãéåöà áãîéí ìëì îé ùéøöä, åëäï åéùøàì ùåéï áå...
Question (cont.): Perhaps it is like someone who is Makdish a house, which goes out to whoever pays, irrespective of whether it is a Kohen or a Yisrael
ä"ð äåä ìï ìîéîø áæä?
Question (concl.): Why not say the same here?
åé"ì, ãîùîò ìéä ôùèéä ã÷øà äëé ...
Answer: Because he explains the Pesukim as follows ...
"åàí ìà éâàì àú äùãä- " ôé' äáòìéí, àìà òåîã áéã äâæáø òã éåáì ...
Source: "ve'Im Lo Yig'al es ha'Sadeh" - the owner, but it remains with the the treasurer until the Yovel ...
"åàí îëø äùãä ìàéù àçø" -ùâàìå àçø; áùðé ãøëéí àìå...
Source (cont.): "And if he sells the field to somebody else" - that someone else redeemed it; in these two cases ...
"ìà éâàì òåã - "ìéã äáòìéí, àìà ...
Source (cont.): "Lo Yiga'el Od" - to the domain of the owner, but ...
"åäéä áöàúå áéåáì ÷ãù ìä' ...ìëäï úäéä àçåæúå" .
Source (cont.): ve'Hayah be'Tzeiso ba'Yovel Kodesh la'Hashem ... la'Kohen Tih'yeh Achuzaso".
àìîà îùîò îúåê äôñå÷éí ùéåöà ìéã ëäðéí ...
Conclusion: So we see that the implication of the Pesukim that it goes over to the Kohanim ...
åàúéà â"ù ìø' éäåãä ìàùîåòéðï ùéåöà áãîéí åìà áçðí, äéëà ãìà âàìä àçø.
Conclusion: And from the Gezeirah Shavah Rebbi Yehudah learns that it goes out for payment, and not free of charge, there where nobody else redeemed it.
úåñ' ã"ä åøáé ùîòåï î"è
(Summary: Tosfos resolves an apparent discrepancy between the Gemara's two queries.)
úéîä, ùäøé áúçéìä ùåàì äñôø 'î"è ãø' éäåãä' ,àìîà èòîà ãø"ù îñúáø èôé áìà â"ù, åàç"ë ùåàì 'îä èòí ãø' ùîòåï, ' àìîà ãøáé éäåãä îñúáø èôé?
Question: First the Gemara asks for Rebbi Yehudah's reason, suggesting that Rebbi Shimon's without the Gezeirah Shavah is more logical; then it asks for Rebbi Shimon's reason, which suggests that Rebbi Yehudah's reason is more logical?
(continued on next daf)