(a)The Tana now discusses the differences between the Noder and the Nidar with regard to Erchin. Why does he refer to the Ma'arich as 'Noder'?
(b)What is 'Heseg Yad'?
(c)Heseg Yad pertains to the Ma'arich. Which of the two's Erech is determined by age?
(d)Which Erech does a young man who is not yet twenty have to pay Hekdesh if he is Ma'arich an old man over the age of sixty?
(e)What does the Mishnah mean when it says 've'ha'Erchin ba'Ne'erach'?
(a)The Tana now discusses the differences between the Noder and the Nidar with regard to Erchin. He refers to the Ma'arich as 'Noder' - because the Torah does (when it writes "Al-pi asher Tasig Yad ha'Noder Ya'archenu ha'Kohen").
(b)'Heseg Yad' is - when the Ma'arich pays according to his financial status.
(c)Heseg Yad pertains to the Ma'arich. It is the Ne'erach however - whose Erech is determined by age (See Tosfos Yom Tov DH 've'ha'Shanim be'Nidar ... ').
(d)Consequently, a young man who is not yet twenty who is Ma'arich an old man over the age of sixty - has to pay Hekdesh the Erech of the old man.
(e)When the Mishnah says 've'ha'Erchin ba'Ne'erach', it means that - the Erech is also determined by the sex of the Ne'erach.
(a)According to the Mishnah, which Erech does a young man pay, if he turns twenty after being Ma'arich himself?
(b)Based on the Mishnah's opening statement, how does ...
1. ... an Ani who is Ma'arich an Ashir pay?
2. ... an Ashir who is Ma'arich an Ani pay?
(a)According to the Mishnah, a young man who turns twenty after being Ma'arich himself pays - the Erech of what he was when he made the declaration.
(b)Based on the Mishnah's opening statement ...
1. ... an Ani who is Ma'arich an Ashir - pays like an Ani, whereas if ...
2. ... an Ashir is Ma'arich an Ani - he pays like an Ashir.
(a)What does the Tana now say about Reuven, who is rich, if he undertakes to provide Shimon with his Korban Metzora, assuming the latter is poor?
(b)And what does he say in the reverse case, where Reuven is poor and Shimon, rich?
(a)The Tana now rules that if Reuven, who is rich, undertakes to provide Shimon with his Korban Metzora, assuming the latter is poor - then he pays for the Korban of a poor Metzora (See Tosfos Yom Tov), whereas ...
(b)... in the reverse case, where Reuven is poor and Shimon, rich - he pays for the Korban of a rich Metzora.
(a)What does Rebbi mean when he says 'Omer Af Ani be'Erchin kein'?
(b)Why is Erchin not comparable to the Korban of a Metzora?
(c)If Erchin is different only because when an Ani is Ma'arich an Ashir, the Ashir is not subject to Heseg Yad simply because he is not Chayav to pay anything, why was he then Ma'arich him?
(d)In which case, according to Rebbi, is the Ani then obligated to pay the Erech of the Ashir?
(a)When Rebbi says 'Omer af Ani be'Erchin kein', he means that - if the case of Erchin would be the same as that of the Korban of a Metzora, then the Din would be the same, only it is not.
(b)What makes it different is - the fact that, when an Ani is Ma'arich an Ashir, the Ashir is not subject to Heseg Yad, because he is not Chayav to pay anything ...
(c)... and the reason that he was Ma'arich him is - because it speaks where he belongs to a different age-bracket, and that is what the Ani had in mind.
(d)According to Rebbi, the Ani is obligated to pay the Erech of the Ashir - there where the latter was Ma'arich himself, and the Ani undertook to give whatever the Ashir said.
(a)What does the Tana Kama say about a poor man who became rich or a rich men who became poor after declaring an Erech?
(b)How does he learn ...
1. ... the former ruling from the Pasuk "asher Tasig Yad ha'Noder"?
2. ... the latter ruling from the same Pasuk?
(a)The Tana Kama rules that a poor man who became rich or a rich men who became poor after declaring an Erech - must pay like a rich man.
(b)He learns ...
1. ... the former ruling from the Pasuk "asher Tasig Yad ha'Noder" - since he now has the means to pay.
2. ... the latter ruling from the same Pasuk - since he had the means at the time when he was Ma'arich.
(a)What does the Tana Kama say if, in the case of 'Ani ve'He'eshir', the poor man loses his wealth before he comes to pay?
(b)What does Rebbi Yehudah say?
(c)How does he learn it from the Pasuk "ve'Im Mach hu me'Erkecha"?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)According to the Tana Kama, if, in the case of 'Ani ve'He'eshir', the poor man loses his wealth before he comes to pay - he pays the Erech of an Ani.
(b)Rebbi Yehudah maintains - that he pays the Erech of an Ashir ...
(c)... because the Torah writes "ve'Im Mach hu me'Erkecha" - implying that he must be poor from beginning to end in order to merit Heseg Yad.
(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.
(a)What does the Mishnah say in a case where a poor Metzora's father, who was a Goseis when his son became Chayav to bring a Korban Metzora, dies before his son has brought it, leaving him ten thousand Dinar (See Tiferes Yisrael, note 12)?
(b)What is the reason for this ruling?
(a)In a case where a poor Metzora's father, who was a Goseis when his son became Chayav to bring a Korban Metzora, and who dies before he has brought them, leaving him ten thousand Dinar, the Mishnah rules that - the Metzora pays the Erech of a poor man (See Tiferes Yisrael, note 12)
(b)... because we go after the Metzora's status at the time when he becomes Chayav to bring his Korban and not after the time that he actually brings it).
(a)The Tana also discusses a case where the poor Metzora rented out a ship for tens of thousands of Zuzim. How do we assess him?
(b)Why do we not ...
1. ... assess him as an Ashir?
2. ... consider him rich on account of the ship?
(a)The Tana also discusses a case where the poor Metzora rented out a ship for tens of thousands of Zuzim - whom we also assess as an Ani.
(b)We do not ...
1. ... assess him as an Ashir - because, due to the principle 'Ein S'chirus Mishtalemes Ela ba'Sof', the hirer is not obligated to pay until the termination of the rental.
2. ... consider him rich on account of the ship - because this Tana holds that, in a case of Heseg Yad, we leave the Ma'arich his tools of trade.
(a)What sort of Erech must a man ...
1. ... over sixty pay, if he undertakes to pay the Erech of a man between the ages of twenty and sixty?
2. ... over twenty pay if he undertakes to pay the Erech of a man over sixty?
(b)What sort of Erech must ...
1. ... a man who undertakes to give the Erech of a woman pay?
2. ... a woman who undertakes to give the Erech of a man pay?
(c)And what is the Din regarding someone who undertakes to pay the Erech of ...
1. ... a boy who is under five who has turned five when the Ma'arich comes to pay?
2. ... someone who is not yet twenty who has turned twenty by the time the Ma'arich comes to pay?
3. ... a baby of thirty days old?
4. ... a boy on his fifth birthday or a man on his twentieth birthday?
(d)What do we learn from the Pasuk "ke'Erk'cha Yakum"?
(a)A man ...
1. ... over sixty who undertakes to pay the Erech of a man between the ages of twenty and sixty must pay the Erech of the Ne'erach, and the same applies to a man of ...
2. ... over twenty who undertakes to pay the Erech of a man over sixty.
(b)A ...
1. ... man who undertakes to give the Erech of a woman must pay - the Erech of the woman and a ...
2. ... woman who undertakes to give the Erech of a man must pay - the Erech of the man.
(c)Someone who undertakes to pay the Erech of ...
1. ... a boy who is under five who has turned five when the Ma'arich comes to pay - pays the Erech of a boy of under five.
2. ... someone who is not yet twenty who has turned twenty by the time the Ma'arich comes to pay - pays the Erech of a person under twenty.
3. ... a baby of thirty days old - is Patur (because we consider the thirtieth day like the twenty-ninth).
4. ... a boy on his fifth birthday or a man on his twentieth birthday - must pay the Erech of a child between the ages of one month and five years or that of a youth between the ages of five and twenty years, respectively.
(d)We learn from the Pasuk "ke'Erk'cha Yakum" that - regarding Erchin, we go after the Erech of the Ne'erach at the time that the Erech is declared.
(a)The Tana learns the current rulings from a Ne'erach on his sixtieth birthday. What does the Pasuk "ve'Im mi'ben Shishim va'Ma'alah Im Zachar" imply?
(b)What problem does he have with learning a ben Chamesh and a ben Esrim from a ben Shishim?
(c)How does he solve it?
(a)The Tana learns the current rulings from a Ne'erach on his sixtieth birthday, by whom the Torah writes "ve'Im mi'ben Shishim va'Ma'alah Im Zachar" - implying that it is only at the age of sixty-one that he adopts the Erech of an old man.
(b)The problem he has with learning a ben Chamesh and a ben Esrim from a ben Shishim is that - whereas the latter case entails a Chumra, the former cases entail a Kula.
(c)He solves it - by learning it from a Gezeirah-Shavah, which (as opposed to a Binyan Av) is not bound by 'Kula & Chumra'.
(a)What does Rebbi Elazar say about all three of the above-mentioned Erchin? Until when do we say that they still belong to the lower bracket age-group?
(b)From where does he learn it (regarding a ben Shishim) with a Gezeirah-Shavah "va'Ma'alah" "va'Ma'alah"?
(c)And how he apply the same Din to a ben Chamesh and a ben Esrim?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)According to Rebbi Elazar, all three of the above-mentioned Erchin - still belong to the lower bracket age-group - for an additional month and a day (See Tosfos Yom Tov (end of DH 'Rebbi Eliezer Omer').
(b)He learn it (regarding a ben Shishim) with a Gezeirah-Shavah "va'Ma'alah" "va'Ma'alah" - from B'chor Adam (See Tosfos Yom-Tov) ...
(c)... and he applies the same Din to a ben Chamesh and a ben Esrim - from the Gezeirah-Shavah "Shanah" "Shanah".
(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.