One tells a group "I impose an oath on you that you will testify for me if you know testimony" they are liable.
- True.
- False.
- איבעיא דלא איפשטא.
- מחלוקת A&B.
- מחלוקת A&C.
R. Eliezer holds if a farmer owes Erchin, we let him keep his yoked animals.
- True.
- False.
- Only during plowing season.
- מחלוקת A&B.
- מחלוקת A&C.
נדר דמים A vow to give the worth of a cow is evaluated from the time of the _____ .
- vow
- evaluation
- Whichever will be higher.
- Whichever will be lower.
- מחלוקת A&C.
שנת חמש ושנת עשרים שנת ששים are all כלמטה.
- True.
- False.
- Only להקל.
- Only להחמיר.
- איבעיא דלא איפשטא.
All in #4 require an additional חדש ויום אחד.
- True.
- False.
- Only שנת חמש.
- מחלוקת A&B.
- מחלוקת A&C.
One is covered with צרעת everywhere but the top of his head. Is he טמא?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only if he is blond.
- מחלוקת A&B.
- מחלוקת A&C.