More Discussions for this daf
1. Reason for blowing the Shofar after the Churban 2. Two Days Of Rosh Hashanah 3. Beis Din on Shabbos and Yom Tov
4. Kilkilu b'Shir 5. Tamid 6. Shofar on Shabbos
7. Bais ha'Mikdash 8. Kiddush HaChodesh for Rosh HaShana 9. Beit Din Convening on Rosh Hashanah and Yovel
10. Korbanot of Rosh Hashanah 11. Kidush ha'Chodesh 12. Kidush ha'Chodesh After the Churban
13. ועוד זאת היתה ירושלים יתירה על יבנה

alex lebovits asked:

Rabah on 29B says the issur of blowing on Rosh Hashana that falls on Shabbos is because of 'shema yavirenah' that since one may not know how to blow properly, he will take the shofar to an expert to teach him how, and he will come to carry on Shabbos. This reason does not seem to worry about carrying the Shofar to shul to blow.

Yet on 30a Rava wants to learn the words "Ish Ubeyso" as "Ish Bbeyso" that this would ensure that no one would carry the shofar in a public domain.

Well, if the reason for 'shema yaavirenah' is the need to take the shofar to a baki, what is the difference whether he will end up blowing the shofar in his house or in shul?!

Kol Tuv,

alex lebovits, toronto, canada

The Kollel replies:

Dear Alex,

Only trying to do the Mitzvah which he doesn't know how to do himself makes him Bahul, acting without proper intent. There is no worry he will carry the Shofar to Shul.

Rava understood that by making the rule "only in the house" (which can only be because of a carrying problem), everyone will know not to leave the house with the Shofar.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner

Alex lebovits responded:

Rav Weiner Hello.

Thank you for answering my question.

I understand you to mean that since Rava emphasized that it should be blown in the house; there could be no other reason for this, except to warn people not to carry it outside, and because of this extra warning , even if a person will become 'bahul' because he does not know how to blow, he will still not leave the house.

Yet we have another mitzvah that should only be done in the house and it has nothing to do with the carrying problem, namely 'hadlakas ner chanuka'! So perhaps the Torah would want each person to blow a shofar in his house as well.Kol Tuv

Alex Lebovits

The Kollel replies:

Dear Alex,

The rule of house-only is only when Rosh Hashanah is on Shabbos - so no one will compare it to Chanuka.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner

Aaron Pacanowski responded:

you can also say that it's because it says in Sukka Perek 3 that if you carried the Lulav into the street to go to Shul it's only an Isur Derabanan because he had the Mitzvah in mind. So maybe the Raba was only worried that you might do an Isur Midoraisa but he wasn't worried that you might do an Isur D'rabanan. This might only answer about Lulav but it might be the same as Shofar.