More Discussions for this daf
1. One long Teki'ah serving as two 2. Two voices and mixed singing 3. From which end of the shofar do we blow?
4. Ein Kateigor Na'aseh Saneigor

Stuart Schrader asks:

the gemara discusses the above concept on daf 26. and gives its various explanations, including P'nim and Chutz. On today's daf the issue comes up with the shofar being covered with gold... and the gemara says, as long as its not covering the mouthpiece or it doesnt change the sound, its ok.

wouldn't this be the perfect example of Ein Kateigor Na'aseh Saneigor? or more directly- why is this not an example of that which would make it forbidden? is there anything more "reminding" to hashem than blowing a shofar with gold on it?!?!

yasher koach in advance for all you do. she'Tizku l'Od Harbeh Mitzvot

b'Chavod Rav v'Shabbat Shalom

stuart schrader

Stuart Schrader, Israel

The Kollel replies:

1) The Tiferet Yisrael, on the Mishnayot 3:14, answers that the problem of Ein Kateigor etc. only applies when the Kateigor changes the sound of the Shofar. Therefore the Shofar of a cow is diaqualified because a cow is a kateigor and is creating the sound, With the shofar of the Yael the Gemara states that the gold of the Yael shofar must not be on the mouthpiece so it does not change the sound. Since it is not affecting the sound it follows that Ein Kateigor Na'aseh Saneigor does not apply.

[ The crucial aspect of the Shofar is the sound, which is why we make the Beracha "to hear the voice of the Shofar" not "to blow the Shofar" - DB].

2) Yom Teruah (by Maharam Chaviv) gives the above answer and also gives a different answer; that the opinion which allows the gold-plated shofar holds like Rabbi Yosi, in the Mishnah 26a, who permits the shofar of the cow and maintains that Ein Kateigor etc. does not apply to shofar since it is BeChutz. Yom Teruah adds that this is why the Rambam does not mention that in the Beit Hamikdash they blew with a gold-plated shofar since the Rambam rules according to Rabbanan who disagree with R. Yosi and say that Ein Kateigor does apply to Shofar.

Stuart, thank you for your very kind comments.

Chodesh Tov

Dovid Bloom