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1. Una mujer vuelve el lulav a su agua en shabat... 2. Women saying Berachah on Lulav 3. Lulav on Shabbos
4. Mitzvos And Children 5. Lulav on Shabbos 6. טלטול בעלמא הוא
7. קטן היודע לשמור ידיו

hernan goldemberg asked (in Spanish):

Una mujer vuelve el lulav a su agua en shabat.

Por que da 2 casos?: cuando el HIJO le entrega el lulav y cuando el ESPOSO le entrega el lulav.

No alcanzaba con un solo caso?

Sukah 042: A woman returns the Lulav to water on Shabbos

Why did the Mishnah give two cases: where the son gives the lulav to his mother and where the husband gives the lulav to his wife?

Why was it not taught with a single case?

hernan goldemberg, buenos aires, argentina

The Kollel replies:

The Shoshanim l'David explains that the Mishnah is telling us that not only is a woman allowed to take the Lulav from her young son, who might not return the Lulav properly to the water and will therefore ruin it, but she is even allowed to take the Lulav from her husband (using the style commonly referred to as "Lo mi'Bay").

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose