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1. Answers to Review Q's for Yoma 38:1 2. A Rasha's Name 3. One Tzadik

David Kastor asked:

(c) The world endures even for one Tzadik (proof text) [R. Chiya himself cites an alternate proof text (Chasidav without a vav)].

My question is that Hash-m left when Abraham narrowed to 10 people in order to save the city. But above it needs only one Tzadik in order to save the world. Can you clarify me the purpose of 10 men and 1 tzadik?

Thank you,

David Kastor, Baltimore, USA

The Kollel replies:

I have two answers for you:

Firstly, the destruction of the world is far more crucial than the destruction of one town. Hence, one Tzadik will suffice to save the world from destruction, whereas a town requires ten people.

Secondly, whereas the word 'Tzadik' in the Gemara in Yoma is literal (i.e. someone of the caliber of the Avos, or of Moshe Rabeinu), the same word in Parshas Vayeira is relative; what Avraham really meant was that if there were ten people who were not guilty of the death-sentence, then that should suffice to save the entire town. This makes good sense, bearing in mind that the biggest (and only) 'Tzadikim' in Sedom were Lot and his family (as Rashi points out), although it is clear from Chazal that he was anything but a genuine Tzadik.

As proof, you will see that both Targum Unklus and Targum Yonasan translate 'Tzadikim' as 'Zaka'in' (meaning innocents), whereas the word 've'Tzadik' cited in Yoma (from Mishlei 10:25), Targum Yonasan translates as 've'Tzadika'.

Wishing you a G'mar Chasima Tovah.

From Eliezer Chrysler.