More Discussions for this daf
1. Lechem on the Shulchan too early 2. Thinking Of Aveira 3. Logical Problem
4. Re-learning old information 5. Monkey Placed Lechem ha'Panim at the Wrong Time 6. Lechem ha'Panim
7. R' Zeira and R' Elozor - Esther Ayeles 8. בשלמא רגלים משום ניצוצות

Yakov Kopel Goldberg asks:

If this answer, "that a monkey placed it" explains why the lechem does not achieve enough kedusha to pasil it because there was no proper kavonah by a Cohen, how does leaving it on or another 7 days, through another (complete) Shabbos help, because [now my question...] the monkey placed it, and there was no kavanah at how is it now "kosher V'yosher"?

Yakov Kopel Goldberg, Canada

The Kollel replies:

Rashi writes (in the brackets at bottom 29b) that now on Shabbos, when the time for arranging the Lechem HaPanim arrives, the Cohen will enter in the morning, remove the loaves that were placed there in the wrong way, and

re-arrange them. Since the Cohen re-arranges them in the correct way, with the proper kavonah, it is now kosher V'yosher.

Wishing you a very good month of Sivan and a Happy Shavuot.

Dovid Bloom