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4. Mezuzah at Lishkas Palhedrin

S Gross asks:

How could it need a mazuza medaorisa if he doesn't own it it belongs for hakdesh ?

a renter doesn't need a mazuza medaorisa

S Gross, Brooklyn NY USA

The Kollel replies:

Dear S.,

The Gevuros Ari asks your question and answers that since the Kohen Gadol used to build his own Lishka, therefore it is considered his, to be d'Oraisa.

See the Sefer on Mezuza called Agur B'Ohalecha by Rav Eliyahu Feldman who discusses this answer at length (Section 2 Siman 1).

He brings another answer-usage of public property such as the Beis HaMikdash or the entrance gate to a city is considered owned by the user (like a partnership) (Meiri, Rama (Teshuvos 135:6), Maharam Shik (Yoreh Deah 286).

All the best,

Reuven Weiner