More Discussions for this daf
1. Gerim 2. Rashi to 49b, s.v. "Rabbi Yehuda" 3. Tosfos: The Son of a Convert
4. Mipnei she'ha'Ur Ma'amidah 5. לאתויי סומא באחת מעיניו

Stuart Pilichowski asks:

Todays daf discusses the issue of whether a Ger is capable of being a judge. The issue is divided between being a judge for dinei mamonos or for dinei nefoshos. This too is divided into whether the ger comes from "eemoh yisroel" or not.

My question: By definition isn't a ger one whose mother was not jewish? Are there situations where we look at the lineage of the father?

The Kollel replies:

In the usage of Chazal, the word "Ger" may also refer to someone whose parents were not both Jewish. That is the connotation of our Gemara when it states that a Ger comes from a Tipah Pesulah. In order to call the Tipah "Kesheirah," like the Mamzer, both halves of the Tipah have to come from Jews.

There are many sources where a Ger is mentioned which conclude "and if his mother is Jewish...," clearly showing that a person with a Jewish mother may still be called a Ger. (See Bikurim 1:4; Yevamos 102a; Kidushin 76b, 77a; Rambam Hilchos Sanhedrin 2:9, 11:11; Hilchos Melachim 1:4.)

The Rambam rules that only two Halachos require both parents to be Jewish: being a judge in cases of Chalitzah and in capital cases. Even the king of Israel may have a non-Jewish father!

Kollel Iyun Hadaf