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1. birth and head emerging 2. Maskana of the Gemorrah according to R.Zvid 3. Two Ma'ayanos

Shlomo Steinhart asked:

As far as I understand the Gemorrah on 29a just before the Mishna, it comes out that according to Rav Zvid (as well as Rav Papa) the machlokes of R'Elazar and R'Yochanan IS indeed the machlokes of the Tanaim mentioned in the Beraisa that Rav Papa brought. Is this correct, or have I mis-understood ?

Thank you,

Shlomo Steinhart.

Shlomo Steinhart, Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel

The Kollel replies:

Tosfos (DH "Hachi Garsinan") says explicitly that according to Rav Papa this is the same Machlokes as that of R' Elazar and R' Yochanan. However, see the Ritva (DH "Ela Amar Rav Zvid") who says that according to Rashi Rav Zvid agrees with Rav Papa in this regard, while according to Tosfos Rav Zvid does not hold that the Machlokes Tanaim is the same Machlokes as that of R' Elazar and R' Yochanan.

Kol Tuv,

Yaakov Montrose