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1. Stringencies of a male and female 2. Pesichas ha'Kever b'Lo Dam 3. Opening of the Womb
4. רש״י ד״ה ירוקה ולבנה

Moshe Rubin asked:

rashi on th ebottom of chof aleph amud alef when talking in teh chachamim uses the language of dam leidah even though according to both opinions whatever it was that she was mapil was certainly not a vlad.

shouldn't it say "dam niddah"? which is what we would actually be choshesh for were there to be dam?

Moshe Rubin, Brooklyn, Ny

The Kollel replies:

Your question can be answered with the Maharsha. The Maharsha asks that even according to those who say "Efshar l'Pesichas ha'Kever b'Lo Dam," they still maintain that it is a Safek. He answers that this is only when the woman did not know what came out. In this case, the woman found the Chatichah and the question is whether a Leidah must always be accompanied by Dam, and if so, although she found this Chatichah we say that there must have been Dam, or whether we say that there was a Pesichas ha'Kever -- i.e. Leidah -- without Dam. This is what Rashi means by "Dam Laidah" -- the Dam which must or must not accompany the Pesichas ha'Kever.

D. Zupnik