Rachel Feuer-Grudzinsky asks:

Good morning & Chodesh Tov,

Hoping you can assist. My son is a regular Daf Yomi person but B'H doesn't have access to a computer & is asking the following 2 questions:

1. Why was the "Lishkat HaMetzoraim" given that name?

2. How was it technically possible to get large korbanot Like oxen/bulls into the "Azara?

Thank you!

Rachel Feuer-Grudinsky

The Kollel replies:

Shalom u'Vrachah!

1. This was the location of the Mikvah that the Metzora'im used when bringing their Korbanos on the eighth day after their original Taharah process (the one with birds).

The Metzora'im would immerse in a Mikvah outside of the Azarah on the seventh evening, i.e. the evening before bringing their Korbanos. But they were required to immerse again immediately before poking their thumbs and ears into the Azarah for sprinkling with blood and oil. This second immersion was necessary since the Metzora'im were still Mechusar Kipurim and not yet fully Tahor (since their Korbanos had not yet been offered on the Mizbe'ach).

Apparently, it was not necessary to maintain a Mikvah in the Ezras Nashim for other people who were Tamei. They would immerse before entering the Ezras Nashim in the first place. However, the Metzora'im were obligated to immerse while in the Ezras Nashim, immediately before the sprinkling.

2. There were wide gates opening to the Azarah (10 Amos wide and 20 high; see Midos 2:3). The Korbanos entered through special gates designated for that purpose - the Gate of the Korban (see Shekalim 6:3, Midos 1:5).

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld