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1. Shi'ur b'Korbanois 2. Zav and Zavah 3. אין אדם אוסר דבר שאינו שלו
4. שוחטין על טמא שרץ

Sholem asks:

How is it possible to retain a 'chullin' aspect on any Korban. We know that if someone in makdish the foot of an animal the kedusha spreads throughout?

Sholem, UK

The Kollel replies:

1) Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt'l writes in his Notes here (page 435 of the sefer, paragraph beginning Amar Abaye) that the shi'ur that the Gemara discusses here does not mean that the korban is totally Chulin, but rather it is similar to Kodashim Kalim according to Rabbi Yosi HaGalili, who maintains that this belongs to the owners, even though it is also Kodesh. Rav Elyashiv says that even Rabanan who disagree with R. Yosi HaGalili concerning all other korbanos and maintain that Kodashim Kalim also belong to the Beis Hamikdash, nevertheless agree with R. Yosi that korban Pesach is different. Rabanan hold that Pesach posseses kedusha, but monetarily it belongs to the owners. This monetary kedusha does not spread throughout the animal. Therefore if the owner receives money for the korban Pesach, this money becomes chulin.

2) This chidush of the Torah for korban Pesach is learnt by the Gemara here from the verse (Shemos 12:4) "Mihyos Miseh" which the Gemara explains to mean "let him live from the sheep". Rashi DH veIm expalins that if the owner of the sheep is short of money he can appoint his neighbor on his sheep and buy what he needs with the money. This is the chulin aspect of the korban. The body of the animal is totally holy but the money becomes chulin.

Purim Sameach

Dovid Bloom