More Discussions for this daf
1. White lice 2. Things that cause Tzara'as 3. A Child less than one or more than one?
4. Rebbi Akiva 5. Waking Up Someone So You Can Drink 6. במטותא מינך שבק לי רווחא פורתא

Andrew Goldfinger asked:

On Pesachim 112 (I am running behind on the daf!), Abaye lists a number of things that tend to cause tzaras. I have always learned that tzaras is a manifestation of Lashon Harah. If this is the case, how could it be caused by other factors that are not related to aveiras?

Thank you for your help.

Andrew Goldfinger, Baltimore, MD, USA

The Kollel replies:

Dear Andrew,

The Gemara in Erchin 16A lists seven sins which bring Tzara'as. Other Torah sources list 10-12 sins. See Midrash Vayikrah Rabah 13:3, Bamidbar Raba 7;5, Zohar 3:206.

They include idol worshiping, licentiousness, murder, Chilul Hash-m, blaspheming, stealing, haughtiness, Lashon Hara, evil eye, false oath, thoughts, causing strife between friends.

As you pointed out, Tzara'as can occur also from "natural" reasons. (To be Tamei from Tzara'as, there must be special signs such as white or yellow hair, spreading, or partial healing.)

The Or ha'Chayim (Vayikra 14:2) explains that if a person thinks his Tzara'as is natural and comes from uncleanness and depression, then when he sits outside the camp in solitude and with unkempt clothes, and even so Hash-m removes the Tzara'as, he will see that it was Heaven sent.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner