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Rafael Aryeh asks:

In the Review of the Daf:


(a)The Rabanan say Ki.Ya.Ne.H. They hold like Rav, who puts Kidush before Havdalah. For which two reasons would they deliberately follow Kidush with the order Ya.Ne.H?

(b)Why does ...

1.... Mar Brei d'Revana (Ne.Ki.Ya.H), who (like Rav), puts Kidush before Havdalah and Yayin next to Havdalah (like Rabah and Levi), put Ner before Kidush?

2.... Marsa in the name of Rav Yehoshua (Ne.Ya.Ha.K), who holds like Shmuel with regard to Havdalah before Kidush, put Ner before Yayin?

the answer: would seem that marsa in the name of rav yehoshua (ne.ya.ha.k) puts ner before yayin - to avoid the impression that yayin refers to havdalah, and not to kidush.

i believe it should have said to avoid the impression that yayin refers to kidush, and not havdalah

since havdalah is last, yayin was brought close to it, so it wouldn't appear that yayin was for kiddush, and havdalah was an afterthought.

Thank you,

Rafael Aryeh

The Kollel replies:

The answer above is based on the Rashbam, who gives the Sevara mentioned above, only he changes the text in Marsa to Nahik, placing Yayin in between Havdalah and Kidush, so that it goes on both, which is even better than our text.

I don't fully understand your suggested answer.

B'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler