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1. Kinim, Tamid, Midos 2. Making a Siyum for Tamid or Midos

Chezkie Katz asks:

Though Kinim, Tamid and Midos are all separate Masechtos, why are they printed (and Dafim are numbered) as though they are a continuation of Meilah? When other Masechtos are printed in a single volume, they always start on Daf Beis, indicating clearly that are separate Masechtos. This is not the case with Meilah, Kinim, Tamid and Midos

Why is Midos the only Masechta of those 4 with a full Hadron printed at the end?

Would you recite a full Hadron at the end Meilah? Kinim? Tamid?

There are actually other Masechtos, as well, that don't have full Hadron printed at the end. Why is that? Would you, or could you, say a full Hadron if you wanted to?

I thank you in advance for your assistance.

Chezkie Katz

The Kollel replies:

(a) I think that the reason for sticking Tamid together with Me'ilah is obvious. Tamid has very little Gemara and is only a borderline Maseches of Gemara. It ends with Perakim that only contain Mishnayos.

Once the printer already was printing Mishnayos of Kodshim together with the Gemara at the end of Kodshim, he also printed Kinim and Midos (perhaps to remember the Beis Ha'Mikdash).

(b) Once these were printed together, the Hadran was printed at the end of Midos because the other Masechtos were "Batel" to Me'ilah.

A person could recite a full Hadran at the end of any Maseches, even a small one (if it was learned well). However, people do not usually recite Hadranim after small Masechtos since they do not deem them a significant accomplishment. (The Gedolei Torah who finished Shas fifty times or more in their lifetime probably did not make a full Hadran and Siyum every time they finished a Maseches).

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose