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1. Words of Shitah Mekubetzes #4 2. Achilah and Zerikah

Shalom Spira asked:

Shalom Aleichem Rebbi,

The point-by-point summary for Me'ilah 4a says (paragraph one:)

(d) Question: If so, Zerikah with intent of Pigul should also make the Lachmei Todah be Kadosh retroactively (Rashi - regarding Me'ilah; Tosfos - regarding Pigul, and likewise [with respect to Eimurei Kodshim Kalim] regarding Me'ilah)!

End of quotation.

Actually, based on Sheeta Mikubetzes, I think it should say the opposite, as follows:

(d) Question: If so, Zerikah with intent of Pigul should also make the Lachmei Todah be not Kadosh retroactively (Rashi - regarding Me'ilah; Tosfos - regarding Pigul, and likewise [with respect to Eimurei Kodshim Kalim] regarding Me'ilah)!

Thank you very kindly.

Shalom Spira, Montreal, Canada

The Kollel replies:

Your question is a good question on the Shitah Mekubetzes #4. The Gemara is clearly challenging Rav Gidal's view, asking that when the Beraisa says that the Lechem is Kadosh (presumably with regard to Me'ilah) when the animal is Pigul, it must mean that it becomes Kadosh at the time that Zerikah is done with a thought of Pigul, which clearly contradicts Rav Gidal. This is the way the Shitah himself explains in #6.

The Shitah Mekubetzes in #4 says, "... Nami Neima d'Lo Kidesh ha'Lechem...." His words are difficult to understand, because the Gemara is asking on Rav Gidal that the Lechem does become Kadosh at Zerikas Pigul, as the Shitah himself there concludes!

Rather, it must be that the Shitah Mekubetzes is expressing the question in terms of what Rav Gidal should hold. The Gemara is asking that according to Rav Gidal , the Lechem should not become Kadosh, because the Zerikah makes the Korban become Pigul.

That is, there are two ways to express the same question: (1) According to the Gemara's previous answer, we see that in fact the Lechem becomes Kadosh even though the Korban is Pigul (question on Rav Gidal; this is the way we expressed the question in the Outline), or (2) according the Gemara's previous answer, Rav Gidal would say that in such a case the Lechem is not Kadosh (but in fact we see that it is).

Let us know if you have another way to understand the words of the Shitah Mekubetzes here.

Yisrael Shaw