Jeno Gal asks:

Dear Kollel,

When a person undertakes to eat Chulin Al TaHaras HaKodesh or Al TaHaras Ha Trumah under what Parsha does this become effective? (and we know it is effective because even food that only has Tumas Shlishi is Assur MiDerabanan for him to eat)

Was the persons' undertaking under the "umbrella" (under the "rules" of)

-1- Nedarim (and subject to Hafarah)

-2- under the rules of Shavei A'Nafshei Chaticha D'Issura

-3- or other ?

Also, can a Yisrael also undertake to eat Al TaHaras Ha Trumah, or only a Kohen is eligible?

Thank You very much.

Natan Tzvi

The Kollel replies:

The Lashon of the Gemara implies that Chulin Al Taharas ha'Kodesh or Al Taharas Terumah is a Chalos (mid'Rabanan) just like Hekdesh and Terumah. Consequently, somebody who eats a Shlishi or a Revi'i becomes Tamei but has not transgressed anything.

B'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler