Bruce James asked:

The father of Shmuel states that by rabbinic decree a tereifah that underwent shechitah transmits tumah. Why did the rabbis insitute this? What purpose is served by introducing a level of tumah into the Beis HaMikdash that is not Biblical? This doesn't serve as much of a fence around the Torah since it can't always be foreseen whether an animal is a tereifah or not.

Regards to Rabbi Kornfeld.

Bruce (Baruch Gershom)

Silver Spring, MD USA

The Kollel replies:

The Rambam (Hilchos Avos ha'Tum'ah 2:8) writes that the Chumra of the Tum'ah of a properly slaughtered Tereifah is does not apply to an animal of Kodesh (a Korban), but rather to an animal of Chulin, and Taharos of Kodesh. This is easier to understand; we are Machmir with regard to Kodesh to consider a Teraifah Shechutah to be like a Neveilah, because they are both Asur to eat due to the Isur of Neveilah and thus one might get confused between Tereifah and Neveilah. Therefore with regard to Kodesh there is a Gezeirah lest one be Metamei Kodesh with actual Neveilah by mistake.

According to Rashi, who says that the animal was Kodesh, it could be that it is more likely to be confused with a Neveilah since the Korban is disqualified and it must be burned.

D. Zupnik