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1. Sandals and Shoes 2. Two-backed animal 3. Eglah Arufah
4. ואין אחרת בעריפה

Michael S. Winokur asked:

Why is a two-backed animal which is a ben pekuah forbidden. Rashi seems to indicate that it is a neveilah. Why is it not a terefah? I would have thought that even if it could live a short time it would at worst be tereifah. If it is a neveilah not only is it forbidden to eat but is also an av hatumah.

Michael S. Winokur, Forest Hills, New York, U.S.A.

The Kollel replies:

Tereifos are limited to those listed in the Mishnah. However, as Rashi writes, this is a Neveilah, not a Tereifah, because it is a Nefel. It is as if it was born dead for it cannot exist.

D. Zupnik