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1. Janthina 2. techeles 3. Berachos

hg schild asked:

I thought I heard that someone made a "good" dye from them recently. What chemical structure was this? The same indigo family as Murex or ???

hg schild, ny

The Kollel replies:

We are not that familiar with any recent developments.

However, when we covered the Sugya in Menachos, we were in touch with Saul Kaplan, Ph.D., who says that he has produced a steadfast blue dye from the Janthina (which he catches himself), in his home laboratory in Rechovot. He kindly sent us a Janthina shell to prove to us that its color is blue. You can read about his findings in Levi Kitrossky's article at > (seach for "Kaplan" to skip to the relevant section), where he discusses your question concerning the color of the Janthina dye. You can also see Kaplan's own website at > .

I hope this was helpful for you.

Y. Shaw