Sam Kosofsky asked:

The Gemara tells us that the word lechem is never used to describe an animal korban only a mincha. Yet the parsha of the tamid specifically uses the words: "Et korbani lachmi...," using the word lechem and then goes on to describe the two sheep which are brought daily, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Please elucidate.


Sam Kosofsky

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara (15a) does not say that an animal cannot be called bread, but rather that the animal brought for the Todah is not called bread. In other words, being that the Todah is composed of both an animal and bread, with the significant part being the animal, the Torah will not refer to the primary part of the sacrifice by calling it the secondary part of the sacrifice, namely bread.

However, being that the Tamid is an Olah and there is no bread brought with it, there is nothing difficult with the analogy that this twice daily sacrifice is "Hash-m's bread." (If bread would be brought with the Tamid, this would be difficult.)

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose