Boruch Kahan asks:

Rashi on the Mishnah says that Rabbi Shimon is going on the last thing said on the Mishnah which is Porim Hanisrofin and Seirin Hanisrfoin but if you look at Rashi carefully all he says is "A Porim Hanisrofin Polig " what happened to Seirin why does Rashi miss that out.

Boruch Kahan, London England

The Kollel replies:

Good to hear from you.

This is an interesting Diyuk in Rashi. However Rashi in Shavuos 7a (DH Ho'il) says explicitly that Rebbi Shimon argues even about S'eirim. The Bartenura on our Mishnah also mentions S'eirim, implying that he understood that Rashi does not mean to exclude S'eirim, rather Rashi just mentioned the first on the list.

Dov Freedman