The Gemara speaks of pyres in the courtyard. Where was the pyre placed?
Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA
Rashi (DH "Marachah") says that this would be on the floor of the Azarah. However, the Rambam (Isurei Mizbe'ach 6:5) states that the fire was on the Mizbe'ach.
Take Care,
Yaakov Montrose
A Yasher Koach. In Medrash Raba Shemos P-3 Siman 17 is mentioned, R, Shimon Ben R' Yossi
I guess that would be Rebbi Shimon b'Rebbi Yossi ben Lekunya, who was a contemporary of Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon (see Bava Metzia 85a, Zevachim 62b, Yerushalmi Ma'asros 3:4). He is the only one we know of who bears that name.
Mordecai Kornfeld