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HG schild asked:

Any drushes?

I saw in Reb TZadok Dover Tzedek #3 but do not follow the whole discussion. Can you give me some help.. a general overview of what he says/theme?

HG schild, ny usa

The Kollel replies:

Dear Hg,

R Tzadok discusses the 2 ways we are meant to perceive Hash-m.

1) Totaly beyond our perception, without boundaries, perfectly One, always existing - which is signified by the name of Havaya- the 4 letters of Yud, then Heh, etc. This is expressed in the Pasuk Shema Yisrael.

2) The second way is Ado-nai - Master of all His creation. This is expressed by Baruch Shem Kevod ... the relation of Hash-m to creation.

R Tzadok explains there is Shiluv Shemos merging the two names into a combination 8 letter Name - perceiving Havaya within the situation of Master." He continues to explain how each Name complements the other.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner