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1. a non-Jew's acquisition 2. Executing a nonJew over a Jew's anguish 3. Non-Jews Pouring Wine
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jeffrey milrad asked:

can a nonjew pour wine from one bottle to another bottle of wine without touching the bottle? Or can a nonjew do the same, pour from an open bottle owned by him to another open bottle owned by the jews

jeffrey milrad, hollywood,florida, united states

The Kollel replies:

See the Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 125:1, that says that if a non-Jew pours wine it becomes forbidden to drink. This would be true even if he doesn't touch the bottle he is pouring into. According to the BEIS YOSEF, even the wine remaining in the first bottle is forbidden because it is in contact - via the stream of wine - with the forbidden wine that he poured out. According to the REM"A, the remaining wine is not forbidden.

The same ruling would apply in your second question.

The SHAC"H points out that, since we don't consider non-Jews today as idol worshippers, the wine is permitted in cases of need.

Kol Tuv,

Yonasan Sigler

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