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1. Adjacent Roofs 2. Rashi- Proof To Rav Dimi

Daniel Gray asks:

Why does Rashi say Abaye is bringing proof to R Dimi (yayin nesech mebayei) vs to r YITZCHOK keys case?

Daniel Gray, Canada

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav,

I suggest that Rashi had the text Rav Dimi (and not R. Yitzchak) Amar R. Elazar. This makes good sense, seeing as, just a few lines earlier, Rav Dimi quoted R. Elazar on another issue.

Wishing you a Chag Kasher ve'Same'ach.

Eliezer Chrysler

Shmuel Berkovicz comments:

See Rashash

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav,

Ye'asher Kochacha

A Gezunter Zummer!

Eliezer Chrysler