i have a question, and while it isnt lamaisah, i just wanted to undertsand. The smak is qoted in the sefer chareidim, and the sefer chariedim brings in the position of the different types of histaklus. Does the sefer chariedim imply there that the smak holds that histaklus from vnishmarta mikol dvar ra is even daarita even if it doesnt lead to hihur, or does he only bring it because that is how the smak formulates it. (It seems lemmase we hold that the histaklus itself is derabbanan, while when it reaches levels of hihur (and maybe keri) it is then deoraita)
coronel, ny, us
The simple reading of the Chareidim (22:4) seems to indicate that this is mid'Oraisa even if it does not come to Hirhur. Regarding your conclusion "l'Ma'aseh" it is difficult for me to give a proper answer in this forum. I will merely provide one interesting Mareh Makom from the Tzitz Eliezer zt"l (15:63).
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose